Saturday, March 2, 2024

"Toil the Soil"

 "What profit hath a man of all his labor which he taketh under the sun?" (Ecclesiastes 1:3 KJV)

  "And to the man he said, "Since you listened to your wife and ate from the tree whose fruit I commanded you not to eat, the ground is cursed because of you. All your life you will struggle to scratch a living from it. It will grow thorns and thistles for you, though you will eat of its grains. By the sweat of your brow will you have food to eat until you return to the ground from which you were made. For you were made from the dust, and to the dust you will return."" (Genesis 3:17-19 NLT)

 Not that I pretend to know anything, because I hope to really just know Jesus Christ; everything else is just not all that important anymore! But, to see the non-sense that the world is putting forth recently, it appears to me, with every new bit of stupidity that is made reality, there are more and more tenacles that get added to each stupid thing, just to reinforce that something untrue is meant to be real. 

 Here's a little news if anyone wants to know the truth: If it cannot be proven in the Bible, then it is not real or true! Believe it or not, but the Bible is 100% accurate and Science has proven it; but Science is not always accurate, because most of it is based upon speculation and man's theories; most of which make no sense, whatsoever!  

 Based upon the curse, man's struggle to endeavor or provide for a living, all ends in same way for each and every one of us: it remains under the sun! In other words, nothing which is taken under the sun, gets to go with us when our life is over; it remains here, mostly to go back into the soil, just like these bodies. Sad as that might sound, it is true for everyone, because the things of this world, remain the things of this world! 

 That was the whole point with Jesus being born into this world as a man, just for that reason. He had to be the first to raise, thus redeeming fallen man back to the Father, which then made it possible for our corruptible bodies to be transformed into incorruptible bodies. That is the only way we can have real fellowship with the Father after we leave this world. 

 Basically, there are two types of people currently that live on this world, those that are earth-dwellers and those that are Heaven-bound. If Heaven isn't where you are going, you are just toiling soil, which does nothing to save you; but if Heaven is your home, soil is of no concern, because you are saved from destruction and death! 

 Amazingly, this thing which everyone is all up in the air about, A.I., which can speak and think and make choices, supposably on its own, it still needs to be made and it still needs to be powered by the sun. Although some think they are creating a god, there is no comparison... 

""What good is an idol carved by man, or a cast image that deceives you? How foolish to trust in your own creation - a god that can't even talk! What sorrow awaits you who say to wooden idols, 'Wake up and save us!' To speechless stone images you say, 'Rise up and teach us!' Can an idol tell you what to do? They might be overlaid with gold and silver, but they are lifeless inside. But the LORD is in his holy Temple. Let all the earth be silent before him."" (Habakkuk 2:18-20 NLT) 

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