Sunday, January 3, 2021

"Purpose to Endure"

 "Come, my beloved, let us go forth into the field; let us lodge in the villages." (S.O.S. 7:11)

  Thank you for having patience with me, as I have struggled to understand what the Lord is wanting to tell me in all of this. There are some things that are better, no, even best endured, when that which you are in is moving towards something of purpose. Even if it does not make any sense at all, if you know that there is a purpose for whatever it is, you are so much more excited to endure even that hardest trial or calamity. 

  As stated before, each and every one of us are here for a reason. You might not know what it is or how important your reason might be; but just the simple act of giving someone a hand or opening a door; it might just be your presence or your absence; nothing is all that unimportant when you are taking a place in the purposes of God! You must believe that God is always in control of everything; nothing gets by His sight or is beyond His observation, and there is nothing that you can do without His eyes seeing what it is that you are doing!

  Something to think about, if you are wanting to be mindful of what you might do when you don't think anyone might be watching. You cannot expect God to be big enough to care about your little issues or problems, if He isn't big enough to know all that you do! This is actually a very good thing to deal with, so don't be offended by anything that you might feel guilty over or have been convicted by; He already knows, so it is good that you know He knows, just in case it might have slipped your mind. 

  Now you see the connection that is being applied within the request: "Let us," is the point where we say, Whatever I do today, Lord, please be with me and by my side! Even being interrupted from doing what you might want to do, or think you must be doing, is now something you will pay closer attention to. You never really know what the Lord wants you to do, especially when you forget that He is right there with you, wherever you might go. He is God, so start treating Him as such and start paying attention to the things that you do. (I am speaking to myself, just in case you are wondering!) 

  This is actually something I feel is very important for many believers to think about; especially to all of those that might be in some sort of leadership. We might have a tendency to put our guard down when we are working outside of ministry or are staying somewhere away from home. Just in case you don't know this by now, but whatever you do or wherever you go, He goes with you! Matthew Henry puts it like this: "Note, Wherever we are, we may keep up our communion with God, if it be not our own fault, for he is always at our right hand, his eye always upon us, and both his word and his ear always nigh us." 

  Just in case you might be wondering, there is purpose in everything that you do! When you are His property, you are His! Nothing goes to waste in His kingdom: every single thing has some sort of purpose or reason that it was allowed. Just in case you wanted something to think about while you move about this planet; it is a lot smaller than you think. Jesus said, "Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you." (John 15:16a) Imagine that, while you ponder your reason, your purpose: now endure...

"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose." (Romans 8:28)  

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