Saturday, June 27, 2020

"O, Precious Lord!" -2

"While the king sitteth at his table, my spikenard sendeth forth the smell thereof." (S.O.S. 1:12)

  I guess I just hate to see evil prevail; as much as I know, deep down inside, that it is all temporary and hardly means anything, it still makes me sick to see it spreading into every aspect of society. But, here is the silver lining, if that might be what you are looking for: God is still on the throne, Jesus will be coming very soon, and all of this craziness allows us an opportunity to share the Good News!
  To the point about the title, it is taken from Matthew Henry's commentary regarding this verse, as he uses the word "precious" to describe how we must believe He is, and how He must be above all else in this world. It is also a word that is used to describe what Mary was demonstrating, as she anointed Jesus with that expensive perfume; nothing was worth anything, compared with our precious Lord! It is about the longing for love, when that love seems so far away; how there is nothing that compares to the thought of being in His presence and worshipping at His feet.
  Some will compare this love to Revelation 3:20, as Jesus speaks of standing at the door, knocking, looking for us to hear and open that door; because it is that kind of a love which causes us to need Him to come in, more than anything else, we need Him to come in and spend some time with us, and us with Him. The greatest part about that, is that we don't need to anything else but open the door! We just need to hear His voice and open the door!
  The sad thing about that situation, is the fact that the church He was talking to did not feel as though they needed anything; they had no reason, so they felt, to open the door. Regardless, the offer still stood: Open The Door! Which is the miraculous power of how this works: we cannot really realize the great need we have, until we see all that the Lord has to offer. Simply put, when He does come in, He brings His table with Him; which means that the supper prepared is all that is only available and furnished through Him.
  As much as we might think we are all okay, He is still looking what He might do through anyone that is totally devoted to Him. Because, when we come to His table, He takes our breath away; like that kind of precious...

"For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God. For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected the same in hope; because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God." (Romans 8:18-21)

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