Sunday, June 28, 2020


"A bundle of myrrh is my wellbeloved unto me; he shall lie all night betwixt my breasts." (S.O.S. 1:13)

  Every so often, and usually without warning, I get a weird feeling to step away; almost as if the fight is too much, I am in the corner getting refreshed for the next round, but not sure if I want the bell to ring again. Call it whatever you want, because it is really not the same for everyone. For some it might be their marriage, and for others it might be their job; for those that are in ministry, it is their calling, that which they are, or think that they are, called to be doing. Any way that you look at it, it is not really up to you to make that choice to step away; as soon as you convince yourself that it is, then you have, for whatever it's worth, left your first love.
  I know that might sound a little strong or a little direct; but for the sake of reason, please hear me out; because this is about more than what or why you do anything; this is about Who you are doing it for. Besides, what is more important, the choices we make, or the reason we make the choices? If you don't know that answer, you should read Matthew 25:31-46; as it turns out, motivation is a pretty big factor in everything we do; especially those things that we do for the Lord.
  As far as these "breasts" are concerned, they are what they say that they are; but they are used for a certain purpose. Without going to to great detail, let's just say that they provide nourishment to new life, and leave it at that. They are mentioned at least 8 times throughout this Book, so you might as well get use to them; but try not to focus on them too much, because they can become distracting.
  Anywho; back to the point. The meaning of this title, "Consecration," is a pretty involved word, to say the least. To be perfectly honest, I don't think it has as much important of a purpose in my own life as it should; as a matter of fact, I can say with all certainty, it does not. A good example for this observation, is my compulsive purchases, both big and small; if I want to buy something, I buy it, whether it is good for me or not.
  The term is not so much us doing something, because to shoot you straight, it is about us giving up the right to do anything without being led to do it. This could sure change the way a lot of people make mistakes, if you get my drift; because the whole reason to make Jesus Lord of your life, is not to get a free pass; but to not pass! We must follow Jesus...

"You who call yourselves Jews are relying on God's law, and you boast about your special relationship with him. You know what he wants; you know what is right because you have been taught his law. You are convinced that you are a guide for the blind and a light for people who are lost in darkness. You think you can instruct the ignorant and teach children the ways of God. For you are certain God's law gives you complete knowledge and truth." (Romans 2:17-20) NLT

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