Tuesday, February 12, 2019

"Shall Not Want"

"How sweet are thy words unto my taste! yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth." (Psalms 119:103)

 In a perfect world, we would all have everything that we need and most of everything we could ever want; but in the life of the believer, our wants and our needs are one in the same: provisions given us by our Heavenly Father. Taking a look at the three temptations the Lord was tested with in the wilderness, the three represented those same desires that Eve needed to satisfy in the garden, as she "saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise." These are also the same temptations we all struggle with in our daily lives; our fleshly desires, the desires of the eyes, and pride of possessions. Many seem to think that Eve's first big mistake was adding to God's word, in that she added, "neither shall ye touch it." There are some things that are best left alone, adding or taking away from the word of God is one of them! This, to some might not seem like such a big deal; but to those that study the Scriptures as the Holy Word of God, it is critical and absolutely forbidden! If anyone can remove or add to God's word, then what is to prevent them from adding or taking away from His commands? If you have ever heard the phrase, "Give an inch, Take a mile," it is nowhere more clear than in our current culture, and with those that make a choice to live in an alternative life style. It cannot stop with just acceptance, it must be pushed forward to having power and authority. This is not any kind of great mystery; the world has been in this same fallen state since Adam and Eve disobeyed God and did eat of the tree that He told them not to eat from. Reading Pauls letters to Rome, sin has life within itself, but the life that sin has to offer leads to death! This is the point David is making with this verse: God's word must satisfy our wants and our needs; and more importantly, His words are pleasant, because they lead to eternal life: there is nothing sweeter; not even close...

"Kiss me and kiss me again, for your love is sweeter than wine. How fragrant your cologne; your name is like its spreading fragrance. No wonder all the young women love you! Take me with you; come, let's run! The king has brought me into his bedroom. How happy we are for you, O king. We praise your love even more than wine. How right they are to adore you." (Song of Songs 1:2-4) NLT

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