Saturday, February 2, 2019

"Impressions of Love"

"I will never forget the precepts: for with them thou hast quickened me." (Psalms 119:93)

  Here is that word again, "Quickened." Another look is available to what this word implies, as we see what life might actually feel like. If you have ever gasped for air, not knowing if you were going to be able to breath again, when you finally do get to catch your breath, it is an experience that is not soon forgotten. This is something close to what I believe David is trying to represent. Knowing what we know, that God has snatched us from the fires of hell, we can appreciate how much He loves us and how desperately we need Him to continue loving us. Fortunately for His Word, we don't really need to guess whether or not that is true, because as we read in yesterday's post, His word was written to give us hope and encouragement, as we wait patiently for promises to be fulfilled. One such promise was revealed the day before, and we saw that God is not likely ever going to go back on His promise, ever! You do know that Israel represents all of His people, right? When ever I see God use all three references, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, I picture the three aspects of what gives us security in this thing we commonly refer to as Christianity. How ever you care to look at it, we are called, chosen, and verified, to be one of His anointed. Each and every one of us that are His, there is really never any long lasting doubt that we are, because we have experienced His love. Just like it might feel to experience catching our breath, this is like breathing anew, as if it is more than a second chance, it is indefinite and forever. Just as His statues are prescribed and enactments that are measured out, His precepts are fixed and stand for ever. In other words, one might be portioned out as needed, while the other is always the same and never changes. If you need a little more comfort as to what that might mean, it pretty much means that no matter where you are or what you might have done, you can always go back, because His love for you never changes. A real good illustration for that is the Prodigal Son; who, even though we had squandered all of his inheritance and ended up eating along side the pigs, he remembered his fathers love, and how even the lowest servant in his household was better off than him. Going back, he ended up being quite amazed...

"For you have been born again, but not to a life that will quickly end. Your new life will last forever because it comes from the eternal, living word of God. As the Scriptures say, "People are like grass; their beauty is like a flower in the field. The grass withers and the flower fades. But the word of the Lord remans for ever." And the word is the Good News that was preached to you." (1 Peter 1:23-25) NLT

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