Monday, April 2, 2018

"With All My Heart"

"O God, my heart is fixed; I will sing and give praise, even with my glory." (Psalms 108:1)

 Maybe it might take some time, but God has all the time that He needs to get us right where He wants us to be. I think that might be part of our problem, we seldom feel like we are where God wants us, so we are continually waiting for that right place to appear; for that place God has established for us to blossom into the perfect man or woman He has called us to be. Interesting enough, the place we are looking for is inside us, it's our heart! No, I am not trying to say that we have anything within our self that matters; except for the power of the Holy Spirit, everything in us has no power at all. I am talking about the place where God wants to do His perfect work in our lives, that it is not an actual place where He will bring you or place you, it is the place of our heart. Our heart is where He makes things blossom and where things are made perfect. If we allow Him, He will change our heart; and if God changes our heart, we can start loving Him as we should! The Lord gave me a little illustration of something very interesting, it involves the calluses that form on our hearts. Being in construction I know a little something about calluses, that they are created in areas where friction repeatedly occurs. When it comes to matters of the heart, our heart also can become callused by repeating the same sins over and over again. There is friction within our hearts every time we commit sin, especially that sin which we might constantly struggle against. That kind of sin is one that we debate over inside; should I or shouldn't I; can I get away with it, or is it too risky. These little debates are not only wrong, they cause friction! Friction is what causes calluses! There is no need for debate! We have been delivered from the body of sin, so why do we keep wanting to debate with it? You see that word "glory," as in, "even with my glory"; what that word means is exactly what it says, glory, honor, splendor, reputation, reverence and dignity. All of these qualities and more are the makings of a new heart; when God created a new life in us, He gave us a new heart also; a heart that was born of His Spirit. All these calluses that have formed over the years have made our hearts hardened to the voice of His Spirit; whether it be realized or not, they are what keep us from being ready to listen and keep us from wanting to obey. Something that I noticed in the movie "Risen," was when Jesus healed the man with leprosy towards the end of the movie; one of His disciples told the Roman, "this is why we followed Him; watch and see Him heal that man." If you need your heart fixed, I think I know someone that can fix it...

"Then Jesus said, "Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give is light.""
(Matthew 11:28-30) NLT

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