Tuesday, April 24, 2018


"For my love they are my adversaries: but I give myself unto prayer." (Psalms 109:4)

 I wish that I could put exactly what I have written in my Bible for the title, but it is illustrated and I don't quite know how to type the illustration; I can only tell you that "LOOK" is made into a character that is looking and smiling at the word "PRAY." Jesus tells us to love our enemies and pray for those that spitefully use us and persecute us; which is not normal for us to do, because we are not so incline to do so without first giving up some of our rights. Yes, it is true, we still have rights; even though this is not our rightful place anymore, we still have rights and a say in the way that we are treated. But, and it is a pretty big one, we answer primarily to our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus; who, is case you might not remember, said for us to follow Him! "My Lord and my God," were the words of Thomas after he put his finger into His hand, and his hand into His side. It was not just about learning of Him and listening to teachings, it just got real! It is now about suffering and being persecuted for love, the kind of love that makes people hate you and spitefully use you. That word "spitefully," it takes on a whole new meaning when it comes to the Light being cast upon the darkness. In the economic and business work, it might look like someone using someone else to increase their gain, because you are so easy to take advantage of or because you might let them; but in the matters of the heart, you are a threat to the comfort they feel in their sins; therefore they will do whatever it is in their power to make you appear unworthy or unimportant, just to make themselves feel more comfortable and free in their sin. This is what Jesus had to deal with, on so many different levels. The religious leaders of His day hated Him because they felt uncomfortable by His words and His teachings. Not only did they hate Him for what He taught, they hated Him for acting as they should have been acting themselves. If they truly followed the law, then they would have known that love was the center of each and every command from God. Love might not always be pretty, but it is always beautiful...

"I will gladly spend myself and all I have for you, even though it seems that the more I love you, the less you love me." (2 Corinthians 12:15) NLT

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