Friday, April 20, 2018

"A Cry for Retribution"

PSALMS 109 [To the chief Musician. A Psalm of David.]

 Okay, so it is a little complicated, sometimes we just can't know all of the answers, nor could we. Who are we that we should be able to figure out the plan of God? He just shows us a little glimpse of who He is and what is mighty hand is doing; this is why we must always trust Him, because He always knows best and is always going to do what He has promised. My next question is one that came to me yesterday while driving, believe it or not, when someone cut me off. As they did so, I thought about all of the times that I cut people off and what that must have made them think. It was probably a good thing I don't have a bumper sticker, that is what I was thinking. The question that came to mind had to do with "God's commands." Simple enough question, but, Is it a command of God to accept His Son as our personal Savior? When Solomon said, "Fear God and obey his commands," does our believing in Jesus Christ fall into that category of a command? Easy answer: Yes! Yes, it most surely is a command; as a matter of fact, it is the ultimate command! The way Jesus explained it Himself, "For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved." (John 3:17) The stop lights and street signs are commands, they are not suggestions on how we should drive. When the light says stop, it is telling us to obey what the light is saying; it is a command. When God sent the Light into the world, He was telling us that the Light was the way to Salvation; it was not a suggestion, it was a command: 'Do this or perish!' It was not that He was judging us, as if to say, 'Here is my ultimatum!' He was saving us, saying, 'Here is the way to Salvation!' We were condemned already, God did not need to send His Son to condemn us! He sent His Son to save us, just like a big giant sign on the road that says, "The Bridge is Out!" There is no way you are going to make your own bridge, as if you have super powers or live in a cartoon. God's command of Salvation is love, not judgement; it is God saying that we are going to perish if we do not do what He says; not because He is going to make us perish if we do not, but because that is where we are headed, and He has provided for us another way...

"O LORD, if you heal me, I will be truly healed; if you save me, I will be truly saved. My praises are for you alone!" (Jeremiah 17:14) NLT

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