Friday, February 23, 2018

"That We Be Satisfied"

"For he satisfieth the longing soul, and filleth the hungry soul with goodness." (Psalms 107:9)

 There are several "O's" buried here; whether you have an "O" or "Oh," I guess that depends upon your particular edition of the King James Version; personally, I prefer the "O" way because it seems more of a statement of fact than a response. As to my experience that day, all twelve of us marched around in a circle for at least fifteen or twenty minutes singing that song; and it seemed as natural in that moment as breathing to stay alive. That is what I believe God wants us to be, spontaneous in our worship. Not that we be out of order or disruptive, but that we are free to express our love and thanks to Him, not hindered by fear of being different or out of sorts. That is what this verse is speaking into my heart this morning, are need and our desire to be absorbed by God's Spirit. For sure it is a need, for each and every single one of us; but is it our desire? Is there some apprehension within us to allow the Holy Spirit to absorb all that we are? Personally, I feel the need to hold onto some of my freedoms, if I am being perfectly honest. But is that what it means to be satisfied in the Lord? I am thinking that there might be some things I need to pray over, because I don't think it does. The Lord wants all of us, not just the parts of our life that we feel like handing over. Oddly enough, the things that we might hold onto will never satisfy our hungry soul; the more we fill up with them, the more hungry our soul is for the things of the Lord. We might not realize that is what is happening, so we naturally try to add more of the junk that does nothing to satisfy our soul. The meaning to the word "satisfied" is more about fulfillment than it is about having enough. It speaks to the whole experience of knowing that you are not only being filled, but you are pleasing God in the process. That is what that second part of the verse is putting forth, that we have done what the Lord desires of us, and it makes us to feel complete or filled with goodness. The meaning of "goodness" is way too complicated to express in a single post; only to say, it means that we are agreeable. Can you see the importance of being agreeable with God? That is the true meaning of a soul that is satisfied; there are no issues between us and the Lord...

""Is anyone thirsty? Come and drink -even if you have no money! Come, take your choice of wine or milk -it's all free! Why spend your money on food that does not give you strength? Why pay for food that does you no good? Listen to me, and you will eat what is good. You will enjoy the finest food. "Come to me with your ears wide open. Listen, and you will find life. I will make an everlasting covenant with you. I will give you all the unfailing love I promised to David."" (Isaiah 55:1-3) NLT

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