Wednesday, February 7, 2018

"Our Account"

"Nevertheless he regarded their affliction, when he heard their cry: and he remembered for them his covenant, and repented according to the multitude of his mercies." (Psalms 106:44-45)

 Just put it on! I could stop right there and say nothing more, but that's not how I roll. This is not just done for me; although I deeply want God to speak to my heart each and every morning; this is for someone else, anyone else, it just does not matter, as long as God speaks. Jesus finished off that parable of the Wedding Feast, by saying, "For many are called, but few are chosen." That word "chosen," is the Greek word 'eklektos,' which is most likely where we might get our word, 'election.' It means to be picked out or chosen; Christians are called the "chosen or elect" of God. If you could, imagine this difference in the two words, "called and chosen," to be the response of the recipient. To put it into terms that most anyone can understand, it would simply be the difference between those that are just invited to the party, and those that know they are invited because they are unique and special. It is not that God has chosen to make the difference between who is called and who is chosen, because He is not a respecter of persons; but it is that those who are called know that they have been chosen, and not just for the sake of being chosen, but for a purpose. We all have a purpose, and everyone is called. That most famous verses from the Bible, John 3:16, says, "whosoever believeth," so it's not a matter of if anyone might be called, because calls all people to Himself; unfortunately, not every one answers. But, on the other hand, those that are chosen are the ones who ask God, "What must I do?" There is the great difference between the two. The man who chose not to put on the wedding garment had no regard for the host of the wedding wishes, because all those who entered were meant to be dressed for the occasion; yet he chose not to participate in the desires of the host, even though the garments were freely given for him to put on. This is pretty much how we are in our "affliction," we are an enemy or adversary, narrow-minded and hard-hearted towards the things of God. We cannot actually help the fact that is what we are, it is pretty much the way that we came into this world; broken and separated from God. That is what the Gospel message is all about; not only are we called to the Wedding, but when we enter into the Wedding Party, we are dressed for the occasion and we belong to be there. What an amazing difference that makes, not only in our walk, but in our security in Christ...

"Then his father, Zechariah, was filled with the Holy Spirit and gave this prophecy: "Praise the Lord, the God of Israel, because he has visited and redeemed his people. He has sent us a mighty Savior from the royal line of his servant David, just as he promised through his holy prophets long ago. Now we will be saved from our enemies and from all who hate us. He has been merciful to our ancestors by remembering his sacred covenant -the covenant he swore with an oath to our ancestor Abraham. We have been rescued from our enemies so we can serve God without fear, in holiness and righteousness for as long as we live."" (Luke 1:67-75) NLT

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