Tuesday, February 13, 2018

"Book V"

"Psalms 107 to 150"

 We can agree to disagree on many things about the Bible; but one thing, we as believers in the Lord Jesus Christ should never find ourselves in disagreement over, is that the Bible is God's written word. Yes, it was written by men, but it was written by men that were inspired by the Holy Spirit; and each and every word that God has allowed to be gathered together, by various sources and methods, is put together just as He has established it to be. As far as the grouping together of these Psalms, you know already what I believe, and that we are free to disagree on. Whoever did it, is really not all that important, except that we know the Holy Spirit was leading and guiding whoever it was. It is very important that we all agree on this basic truth of origin. This is our Sword, the instrument that we use in battle against any and everything which might want to rise up against the faith of what we believe and what our hope is established by. Without these written words, on what basis do we argue against the enemy, or on what basis do we fortify that which we believe. These might be complex questions to some, but not for us that know the truth; for us, the answer is always the same: "Because the Bible says that it is so!" How do we know anything? Because it is written here for us to know! There really is no other answer, you either believe that it is so or you don't. If you believe it to be so, then you must defend what you believe; if you don't believe it is so, then you don't believe. It is not any more complex than that! If you think that you need to argue with someone about the facts of the Bible, you really don't; they either believe or they don't, and there is nothing you can persuade them with that will make the change their mind. It is only the Holy Spirit that can show them the truth, and for their mind to be changed they must first be born again. As to this grouping of Books, one through five, I have no clue as to what they represent or why they are grouped in this way, except that each of the groups are concluded with "Amen, Amen," or "Hallelujah." To me, that is the perfect illustration to what every life experience should be about to the person who is a child of God. No matter what circumstance or situation that we might encounter along the way, our ending will always remain the same...

""I assure you, we tell you what we know and have seen, and yet you won't believe our testimony. But if you don't believe me when I tell you about earthly things, how can you possibly believe if I tell you about heavenly things? No one has ever gone to heaven and returned. But the Son of Man has come down from heaven. And just as Moses lifted up the bronze snake on a pole in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, so that everyone who believes in him will have eternal life.""
(John 3:11-15) NLT

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