Wednesday, May 24, 2017

"Time to Grow"

"When I said, My foot slippeth; thy mercy, O LORD, held me up." (Psalms 94:18)
Getting back to why being as a child is important, here is one really good reason it pays to become small, there is always room to grow. It is also very important to keep our eyes wide open for any sign of being pulled into the world, if you get my drift. The odds are, we can find ourselves being taken off the path more than being on the path, only because there are so many ways to be stumbled. One thing is for sure, the more we trust in the Lord for direction, the more we will be ready for correction. If there is anything that I want to be surprised by, it's God doing something I never expected Him to do, not me finding myself somewhere I do not belong. Have you ever been there? It is really not that hard to do, you just need to feel the need, and before you know it you are there. The way I see it, God loves to demonstrate His ability to change our situation; we just need to give Him the opportunity by admitting we cannot do it on our own. We tend to think that it is our duty to clean ourselves up, as if God has required that we start removing things from our lives, one stupid idol at a time. Did you ever experience what it was like to clean out your closet as a kid? It was really hard to decide which toys to keep and which ones to get rid of; they all just seemed so important to certain areas of fun. It is God that cleans up our lives, not us. We have a part, it's called surrender and obedience; other than that, it is God that changes the heart of man! Something simple to do does not mean that it's easy, because most of the time it is not; but it is very simple. The key is to get out of God's way and let Him do what He wants to do; after all, He is the Potter, we are the clay. To understand what I am getting at, the word "mercy" has the greatest way of showing it. The most important thing that it speaks to is pity, as in having loving kindness towards the misfortunate or the weak. There is where God does some of His greatest work, when we are weak, and we know it. If we think we can handle things on our own, we are going to find ourselves in a very difficult spot. If we think that we know everything, God will show us how little we know. It is best just to remain humble and ready to learn. That is where we are the safest; that is where we find mercy...
""But as for you, Israel my servant, Jacob my chosen one, descended from Abraham my friend, I have called you back from the ends of the earth, saying, 'You are my servant.' For I have chosen you and I will not throw you away. Don't be afraid, for I am with you. Don't be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand."" (Isaiah 41:8-10) NLT

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