Sunday, May 14, 2017

"Hear Me, See Me"

"He that planted the ear, shall he not hear? He that formed the eye, shall he not see?" (Psalms 94:9)
I know, it's a little corny; at least here at the start, but I promise, it gets better. Here is something I find very interesting about how this all plays out, not that it hasn't been interesting so far, but the more I think about my childhood, the more I realize how believable things were to me. Things like the stork that delivered babies, or the old man under a bridge the stole children; okay, maybe that one was true, but I think you get my point. My granny once told me not to rock a rocking chair without anyone in it, or that I would be rocking a ghost; and I believed it! How about the one where you sneeze, you know, the whole demon entering your soul thing; that's why I was told we say, Bless You, whenever anyone sneezes. One thing is for sure, there is no playing Hide-And Seek with God; there is no whispering soft enough where He cannot hear you. We might think He cannot see or hear us, but not only are we wrong, we are dead wrong! No, literally; if you do not think that He sees you or hears you, then you are still dead in your sins, period! There is no argument that you can come up with to counter what I just said; I don't care what you've been told or how often you've heard it, if you actually think that God does not see your every waking or sleeping moment, and that He does not hear every breath that comes out from your mouth, then you seriously do not have everlasting life, and you are still dead in your sins. How can I say that, you might wonder? Where's the proof of what I just said? Romans 10 is a good place to start, if you are really interested in finding out. How can we confess our sins to a God that cannot hear? Why would we have felt ashamed before a God that cannot see us? Maybe the Bogeyman is real, because he's hiding in your closet! You cannot hide from God, nor can you speak anything that He does not hear! If you think that you can, then you don't know the God that can save your soul! And I'm not sorry to have said that, because you have got to know that it's true. That's typically what becoming like a child might be for you, to believe what the Bible tells you, no matter what the grownups might say, or the older school kids, for that matter. It's called putting your faith in a God that is big enough and powerful enough to actually save you, even if you let go of that root...
""Am I a God who is only close at hand?, says the LORD. "No, I am far away at the same time. Can anyone hide from me in a secret place? Am I not everywhere in all heaven and earth?" says the LORD." (Jeremiah 23:23-24) NLT  

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