Friday, May 5, 2017

"Between The Lines"

"How long shall they utter and speak hard things? and all the workers of iniquity boast themselves?"
(Psalms 94:4)
You might not understand some of the crazy things that I come up with, but you're not alone; I can hardly understand them myself, half the time. I just type what I am given; isn't that what God does, He gives things to do that don't quite make sense, because we need to witness His work, not our own. To the point of what I believe God is speaking into my heart this morning, it's pretty much about us becoming as humble as we can possibly be. I am not talking about being little cowards, or making ourselves out to be weak and afraid of our own shadows. No, this is more about being a 'subject.' In case you don't quite understand that, or why subject is even part of anything we are meant to be about, it's because we are meant to be about our Father's business, not our own. Isn't that really what it's all about? When we pick up our cross and follow Jesus, it's not to lift ourselves up onto a cross, as if we are meant for people to look upon, saying, "Wow, look at that guy, he sure is giving it all for Jesus." We are meant to be about our Father's business! Nothing that we do is to bring glory to ourselves, its all about bringing glory to God. Watching the movie, The Resurrection of Gavin Stone, for the second time, I noticed that there was something being said about becoming humble, not just for the sake of being humble, but for the purpose of being used by God. God cannot fully use your life if you are still trying to control the outcome. When God says, "I know the plans I have for you," His point being made in that, is that we are the subject of His plan, not our own plans. Part of me wants to only have notes for the first part of my message, a message titled, Meet David's Great-Grandparents. I feel God is telling me to start out with just a simple story of Ruth and Boaz, and then change things up to making the message about God's amazing redemption over a life given over to Him. Instead of having notes with the second part of my message, I thought I would just have Scriptures presented on the overhead, and one by one, let God speak through me. Sound's suicidal I know, but I feel it's what God is asking me to do. I am praying about it, because I truly don't want to let my friend down by messing things up; but I don't want to let God down either, by getting in the way of something that He wants to do. I keep thinking about what Pastor Jack said a few weeks ago, "You really don't want to hear God say, 'Okay, do it your way.'" Why wouldn't we want God's way? The main reason for that is because it's out of our control, and if there is one thing we want, it's to have a little control...
"After the Lord used the king of Assyria to accomplish his purpose on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem, he will turn against the king of Assyria and punish him -for he is proud and arrogant. He boasts, "By my own powerful arm I have done this. With my own shrewd wisdom I planned it. I have broken down the defenses of nations and carried off their treasures. I have knocked down their kings like a bull. I have robbed their nests of riches and gathered up kingdoms as a farmer gathers eggs. No one can even flap a wing against me or utter a peep of protest." But can the ax boast greater power than the person who uses it? Is the saw greater than the person who saws? Can a rod strike unless a hand moves it? Can a wooden cane walk by itself? Therefore, the Lord, the LORD of Heaven's Armies, will send a plague among Assyria's proud troops, and a flaming fire will consume its glory. The LORD, the Light of Israel, will be a fire; the Holy One will be a flame. He will devour the thorns and briers with fire, burning up the enemy in a single night. The LORD will consume Assyria's glory like a fire consumes a forest in a fruitful land; it will waste away like sick people in a plague. Of all the glorious forest, only a few trees will survive -so few that a child could count them!" (Isaiah 10:12-19)NLT

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