Sunday, November 29, 2015

"Tried and True"

"Deliver me, O my God, out of the hand of the wicked, out of the hand of the unrighteous and cruel man." (Psalms 71:4) I am still trying to figure out a few things, but for the most part, I truly do understand the basics when it comes to this 'Pilgrim's Progress.' Several years ago, while attending a Men's Conference at Calvary Chapel San Jose, I wanted God to speak to my heart; and when I say, I wanted God to speak, I mean that I was really hungry for Him to speak to me. It was about three words into the session, when it was all that I could do but to sit upright, and not cry like a little baby. And the funny thing is, I can't remember what it was that triggered that emotional breakdown, except that I realized how much God loved me. Just three words was all that it took; but don't ask me what three words they were, because I don't remember, nor do I think that really matters. No, what mattered was that I was hungry to hear from God, and prepared my heart to listen to His word. I don't care what portion of God's word you are reading from, even the long lists of genealogies of who begat who, if you are prepared to hear from God, then God will speak to you from that written word you have before you. Okay, so you are probably scratching your head, saying, "What does this have to do with that?" I know, right? But here's the thing that I feel God telling me: HE IS NOT!!! We are so very secure in the hand of God, and yet, one thing that God is, is that He is holy, righteous and loving! Another thing about God's hand verses the hand of man, is that God's hand is mighty! Much like His word, which is more than just a love letter or a book of stories, it is His very Word; which we can handle, study, meditate upon, and be moved by. Does your Bible say, "Holy Bible" on it's cover? It is you know. It's not just a book, it's God's Book; a scrape book of God's wonderful plans and the adventures of His children; all placed there for each and every one of us to learn from, be inspired by, and be a part of, in the amazing thing we call life. So, you really don't have anything to worry about, you're in Good Hands...
 "Arise, O LORD! Stand against them, and bring them to their knees! Rescue me from the wicked with Your Sword! By the power of Your hand, O LORD, destroy those who look to this world for their reward. But satisfy the hunger of Your treasured ones. May their children have plenty, leaving an inheritance for their descendants. Because I am righteous, I will see You. When I awake, I will see You face to face and be satisfied." (Psalms 17:13-15) NLT  

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