Saturday, November 21, 2015

"Becoming Still"

"Make haste, O God, to deliver me; make haste to help me, O LORD." (Psalms 70:1) Please don't judge me, I can't help being a nut; but don't you think we have been down this road before? Yes, the second part of Psalms 40, the Psalm that started with a song and ended with a prayer; actually, it was "A Song of Deliverance" for the first eleven verses, and then it became "A Prayer for Help" from verse twelve to verse seventeen. If you remember anything about those times when you have experienced great victory and joy in God doing something powerful in your life, it is most likely that it is not continual and last very long. Actually, I am pretty sure that God does His best work in our lives while we are suffering and experiencing difficult times; those are referred to as the valley experiences, while those great victory times are referred to as the mountaintop experiences. The trouble is, you have to come down from the mountain to continue on with your life; that is, if you have a life! Which reminds me about something that I need to warn you, that for the next ten days I will be traveling, so if I seem to get a little nuttier, it will be because I am out of sorts. The picture of my wife and I was taken before one of our trips in the last RV, so traveling is not something that is strange or unusual for us; but every trip is always a new adventure, no matter how familiar our resting places might be. And yes, I know I don't need to keep saying this, but the title for yesterday's post was the title of this Psalm in my Bible. Today's title; well let's just say, "haste makes waste" is more than just a proverb or a catchy phrase, it matters much in many of our life experiences. We shouldn't hurry through life so much, because we miss so much of what matters when we do. Which reminds me of something else; have you noticed how these younger generations must always be on the go? God forbid that they are made to sit still, or if they are asked to be quiet; they constantly need to be doing something, or watching something, or saying something. What ever happened to relaxing and just enjoying the company of the people you love? I think I understand why those valley experiences are so meaningful and important to God; because those are the times when God is more important to us... "Work at living in peace with everyone, and work at living a holy life, for those who are not holy will not see the Lord. Look after each other so that none of you fails to receive the grace of God. Watch out that no poisonous root of bitterness grows up to trouble you, corrupting many. Make sure that no one is immoral or godless like Esau, who traded his birthright as the firstborn son for a single meal. You know that afterward, when he wanted his father's blessing, he was rejected. It was too late for repentance, even though he begged with bitter tears. You have not come to a physical mountain, to a place of flaming fire, darkness, gloom, and whirlwind, as the Israelites did at Mount Sinai. For they heard an awesome trumpet blast and a voice so terrible they begged God to stop speaking. They staggered back under God's command: "If even an animal touches the mountain, it must be stoned to death." Moses himself was so frightened at the sight that he said, "I am terrified and trembling."" (Hebrews 12:14-21) NLT

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