Friday, March 28, 2014

"We Better Believe It"

"Blessed is that man that maketh the LORD his trust, and respecteth not the proud, nor such as turn aside to lies." (Psalms 40:4) It seems that it all started with a lie, and that lie came through a very proud serpent; so proud was that serpent, that he thought he could be as God; as if a created being could be as the Creator. Actually, the lie was threefold, and it took in every aspect of what was need to satisfy our desire to sin against God, in making God to appear less than He is. The first thing right off the bat, was to convince the woman (and most likely the man also), that God was not being truthful with them, but was actually holding them back from being enlightened; God cannot lie, and He surely wants us to be enlightened; it's just that He wants us to be filled with His Light; it's the darkness that He wants to protect us from. The second thing that the lie had done, was to give the impression that we could make better choices than God would allow; as if what God says does not really apply to me, because I actually know what is best for me, based upon my desires; nothing could be farther from the truth, and what God says must be trusted. As a matter of fact, the way it is presented in the verse above, God is not only to be trusted in all things, but He is to be made our Trust; which means that there is no other source of trust other than God, and that we only think good and great thoughts of Him, because He can be trusted in all things; especially in those things that He has spoken to us by His Word. Nothing that the serpent said was said by God; nothing that was presented to the woman was going to be as it was presented; as a matter of fact, it could be said that our eyes are a portal for the devil to tempt us, as he presents things which tempt us through the passage of what is looked upon; in the process of being tempted through the eyes, what is said really does not matter as much, because the eye has began to make the choices seem more appealing and desirable over what we have been told. God, on the other hand, uses the portal of our hearing, as He speaks into our lives His truth; and by the power of His Word, He makes Himself known unto us. The third thing that the lie has done, is to make man feel as though he can do this alone, as if God can remain where He is, and we can be just fine right here without Him. O, how that hurts us; as well as hurting His heart, it hurts us because we need God so much, and He is our very breath of life. Yesterday at breakfast, as I prayed for the meal, I prayed for traveling mercies for that day; and wouldn't you know it, I surely needed that protection: as I traveled on a icy road, the car right in front of me spun out, started up the side of the mountain, and then came right back down in front of me. I don't really know how I was able to stop, but I did; although I do have studded tires, we were going at least 50 miles an hour, and the car was only about fifty feet in front of me. We can never get to a place where we no longer feel that God is needed to run our lives, by putting our trust into the things that we see, or the abilities we think that we have or that we can have in our own strength. We can do nothing without God, and we better believe it... "The the LORD answered Job out of the whirlwind, and said, Who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge? Gird up thy loins like a man; for I will demand of thee, and answer thou Me. Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? Declare, if thou hast understanding. Who hath laid the measures thereof, if thou knowest? Or who hath stretched the line upon it? Whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened? Or who laid the corner stone thereof; when the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?" (Job 38:1-7)

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