Wednesday, March 19, 2014

"Hope For Today"

"O spare me, that I may recover strength, before I go hence, and be no more." (Psalms 39:13) Besides there being hope for tomorrow, we have a job to do now in the midst of whatever it is that we might be going through, we either are in need of a miracle, or we are someone's need to believe that there is hope; more than likely, it is going to be both of those things at the same time. We can not just be concerned with ourselves, because it is not really about us, it's about Jesus Christ being lifted up in whatever it is that we are going through. Finishing well is so important, because we could have messed up so badly at the start, or even somewhere along the way, but as long as we are still here God can finish that work in us, if we just give Him all that we are. There are so many of us that are hurting inside, and we do not really know what to do about it because we feel ashamed for the lack of joy; but the reason for our hurt is because we have not made it all about Jesus, and have made it about ourselves or someone else. This life is going to bring us death and destruction, there is no way that we can avoid being effected by it, because everyone will face it in one way or another; but what we do before we go from this place matters; and if God has allowed us to go through the fire, then He has done so that He might receive the glory, not that we might be burned up; because He is not a punishing God, but a God of restoration and redemption, and a God that loves us so much more than we even love ourselves, we cannot even imagine what He has in store for our lives, if we would just give Him all of this life, and live it for Him. That is where the real joy comes from, even in the midst of the most horrible trial of our life, and even in the pain and the weeping, there is still joy to be found in Jesus, the One who is waiting for us with open arms. We that have been called of God have a job to do, for we are bought with the blood of Christ, and we are the property of Him the purchased us with His blood; therefore, we no longer live for ourselves, but we live for Him, if we are in Him; and if we are in Him, then He is in us, and our joy is made full in Him; that my dear brothers and sisters is our hope for today... "These things I have spoken unto you, that in Me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." (John 16:33)

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