Friday, August 16, 2013

"Tying The Knot" -3

"Our soul waiteth for the LORD: He is our help and our shield." (Psalms 33:20) I can't quite put my finger on it, but there is something I am missing; something mysterious is not unraveling, and I can't quite get my mind wrapped around it. "To Whom Shall We Go?" is speaking to my heart right now; which is from John 6:68, as many had quit following Jesus because they could not hear what He was saying when He spoke of eating His body and drinking His blood, Jesus asked His disciples, "Will ye also go away?"; after which Peter answered, "Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life. And we believe and are sure that Thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living God." Yes, I see, said the blind man! We are tied up in Him! Or a better, more secure way to look at it, He has tied us up in Himself! After Peter had said this, Jesus added something rather odd, but I think it had significant value for another time and place, in that He said, "Have not I chosen you twelve, and one of you is a devil?" He was speaking of Judas Iscariot, the one that should betray Him; and the reason that He brought this issue up, was because He had chosen the twelve of them, and seeing that it was Him that choose them, they were secure in Him; all but one, that being Judas. It's a little like "Kung Fu Panda", the movie, whereas there really was not a secret ingredient in the noodle, just that the knowledge of there being one made the noodle taste yummy; or that there really was not a great power in the dragon scroll, but only a reflection of Po, as he looked to read the secret to becoming the Dragon Warrior. If you do not understand what I just said, that's okay, because what is really important is that we keep our eyes on Jesus; however, the secret power that we have been given in Him, is the mere fact that He has chosen us; the power is in Him, and if He has chosen us, then we are empowered by Him! Anywho; that's the long-short version of the meaning of "our shield", as in, "He is our help and our shield". It is kind of a smaller shield, by which we get to hold onto, but it is actually God that holds it for us, and we are protected by it; because truth be known, the shield not only belongs to God in the first place, but the shield is God, by Whom all power flows...Talk about being tied up in knots; no body can untie His knot!!!
Start Praising God, For He Is Oh So Worthy To Be Praised!

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