Saturday, August 3, 2013

"Our Condition"

"The LORD looketh from heaven; He beholdeth all the sons of men." (Psalms 33:13) You have no doubt heard the term "A Road to Recovery"; primarily, it is a term use for people that have been devastated by something, whether physical, financial, or anything else that can greatly alter the function of a persons life. When it comes to our condition in our relationship with God, things are not quite the same, because we can not see our devastation! Although our spiritual condition far out ways any other devastation that we could encounter in this life, we do not realize how devastating our condition is; and when we are told about it, many times, most could hardly care. Comparatively speaking, our condition without Jesus, is like night and day; the life that God has for us, and that which we have without Christ, are worlds apart; light years really, and beyond anything we could have ever imagined. But you see, there's the thing: God sees; God sees the condition, which is the first step on the road to recovery! Just as God saw Adam's condition, so He made him all sorts of animals, and then had him name them; and yet; after giving names to all those animals, there was still no "help meet" found for him. (Genesis 2:20) So God made him woman; bone of his bone, and flesh of his flesh, he named her "woman" because she was taken out of man. (Genesis 2:23) If you talk to many sociologist, they are of the opinion that we are naturally sexual creatures; pretty much straight out of the womb, is the thought of many of them; and they might be right; which is why parental instruction is so important when it comes to self gratification, as in, "Don't play with that!"; but that many times just causes them to only do it in secret, and keeps them from walking around with their hand down their pants. (Am I being too straight forward?) The "help meet" that Adam needed was that of the female persuasion; God saw his condition, and God fixed it! Although this was technically a physical condition, it really went much further than that; the real extent of which, we may never really know; but as far as man's spiritual condition, in the initial arrangement, they were both naked, and neither one of them were ashamed. (Genesis 2:25) It was not until after the fall, that they both realized their nakedness, became ashamed, and covered their bodies with leaves; a reaction that was brought on by gaining the knowledge of good and evil; something that God did not want them to be aware of; yet for some reason, He made it available in the form of a tree; go figure! The same kind of affect takes place in a child: as soon as you say, "Bad, don't do that!"; then from that point on, they become ashamed by it... "And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of Us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever: therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken. So He drove out the man: and He placed at the east of the garden of Eden cherubim, and a Flaming Sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life." (Genesis 3:22-24)

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