Wednesday, August 7, 2013

"Our Persuasion"

"He fashioned their hearts alike; He considereth all their works." (Psalms 33:15) Remember, this is a Psalm about "Praising God"; therefore, it needs to continue in that area of expression, even if it might appear to get a little distracted by what we are, it's still all about Him and His glory! To get wrapped up in this verse too long, is likely going to be hard to avoid, because, though it is short, it packs a powerful punch into the heart of what God has made us to be, and into His heart; both of which are designed for greatness and glory. I have always been drawn to the way God stimulated Adam's mind by having him name all the animals; if you really take some time and think about it, it must have been quite a challenge for him to come up with some of those names, like elephant, aardvark, rhinoceros, hippopotamus, lion, serpent (aka: snake); the list goes on and on, and takes up hours of wondering how these animals were matched with the names that they were given. After having named all of those animals, when it came time to give a name for woman, then Woman it was, for she was taken out of man; but when it came to give her a name, that being Eve, I have to wonder what he was thinking; because he called his wife Eve after the fall, but he called her that because she was the mother of all living. (Genesis 3:20) Think about this for just a moment, because prior to that, Adam had blamed the woman God had given him of being the cause of his sinning against God; a sin that brought with it the curse of death, for God had said, "For in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die". (Genesis 2:17) And then, after Adam had called his wife Eve, then God had made coats of skins, and He clothed them. (Genesis 3:21) What did Adam know of God's mercy, if he knew anything at all? Did he not know that God still loved him? I am certain that Adam knew God loved him, and that Adam loved God; the very fact that he put the fault on the woman tells us that, because he could not bare the truth of having sinned against his God, especially knowing how much God loved him. Now, just for the sake of time, imagine for a moment that Adam, knowing how much God loved him, also knew that God would have mercy upon him; all things considered, he could live with the curses that God handed to him, but he could not live with the thought of God no longer loving him; nor did he, because he knew in his heart that he was still loved by God. Therefore, even though he had technically charged the woman with the fault, thereby making her out to be 'the mother of death' in the process; because of God's great mercy, he could call her Eve, because she was still the mother of all living...( The Truth never changes!)... "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose." (Romans 8:28)   

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