Friday, August 9, 2013

"Our Weakness"

"There is no king saved by the multitude of a host: a mighty man is not delivered by much strength." (Psalms 33:16) What a strange little verse; and yet, if we consider the fall, it was all about physical appearances: "saw that it was good, pleasing to the eyes, to be desired" (Genesis 3:6); all three based upon a perception of the eye, and the idea that what was being looked at was more important than truth and righteousness. It has been said that the eyes are the window to the soul, but I don't think that is necessarily speaking about looking into the eyes, but rather the soul is looking out; I could be wrong, however, our whole lives are we taking in visions of soul altering substances, some to the good, and some to the bad. If I had a subtitle for this blog today, it would be, "Getting Physical", because that is the basic weakness of what we are: we tend to believe our eyes more than our hearts! As a matter of fact, it generally is what we see with our eyes that causes us to believe what we believe, which is just the opposite of what faith is based upon; because "faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen". (Hebrews 11:1) These last few verses of the 'us side' of this Psalm, although dealing with the issue of what we perceive with our eyes to be real, they also proclaim God's strength in the process. For example; I truly believe that I am here until God is done with me, and then it's time to go home; therefore, I do not care all that much about what might happen to this body, as in sickness or such; if it's my time to go, then it's my time to go, so why prolong things. If God wants me to continue on this earth, then guess what? there is no way I am going anywhere! On the flip side of that, we have the meaning of this verse, and the reason our perception is really not relevant to the overall picture. You can surround a king with a multitude of soldiers, tanks, or any other form of protection, but if God wants to remove that king from where He has placed him, then he is out of there, and there is nothing he can do to prevent it. That same concept is true for those that think they are indestructible, as in really strong; no matter how strong you might think that you are, your strength is not going to save you if God does not want you delivered. Taken at face value, everything we might think looks strong, is nothing compared with the strength of God; I don't care if it looks too impossible to overtake, or too impossible to overcome; if God wants it to happen, then it will happen... "While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal." (2 Corinthians 4:18)    

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