Tuesday, August 13, 2013

"Our Great Reward"

"To deliver their soul from death, and to keep them alive in famine." (Psalms 33:19) Do not doubt God's Word! Ever!!! I know that might sound a little strange, but there are certain portions of His Word that can make the strongest of His children wonder if it's actually really something that happens, or if it's more about principle and illustration; God's Word is the Way, the Truth, and the Life; therefore, we must hold it in such fashion, as such! Let's take death for example, and say, What happens to us that believe upon Jesus when we die? Do we lay there in the ground until Jesus returns? or do we instantly transport into His presence? In other words, Is there a period when we taste death between dying and glory? If we are to take God at His Word, then the answer is pretty clear, there is no period of death, nor does death have any power over us. When Jesus rose from the grave, and when He ascended up into heaven after, all of our death was no more, because He had victory over death and He was glorified in heaven; therefore, when we die, we instantly have victory over death, and we too will be glorified; instantly! You can believe what you want, but I take God at His Word, and looking at the most well known verse in the Bible, John 3:16, it clearly says, "and whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life". What part don't you accept, the "should not perish" part, or the "everlasting life" part? Because it seems pretty cut and dry to me! First off, this verse is a continuation of verse eighteen, which I used to give reference to "Our Great Hope"; which is hope that is really not for today in this life, but is our hope for the next: What happens to me when I die? When does God's great mercy on our soul kick in; at the time of my death or what? The way I see it, it happened the moment I asked Jesus to come into my heart; from that moment on I was delivered from death and I inherited eternal life; no ifs, ands, or buts; because it is all about Jesus Christ and what He did, all that I needed to do was to believe in Him! Now as far as this part of the verse which speaks of famine, as in, "and to keep them alive in famine", it clearly means that God will provide whatever we need to sustain life, even if there is nothing available. Yes, that could mean food such as grain and meat, which is what we need for our flesh to continue to live on this earth; but it can also mean our life giving nutrients are dried up, such as our breath and our blood are no longer supplying what the body needs to continue to survive in this life. This is only a tent: a temporary house for my soul to dwell in; and when this tent is destroyed, I will immediately a new and permanent dwelling place...Believe it with all your heart!
"I am the Resurrection, and the Life: he that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: and whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die. Believest thou this?" (John 11:25 & 26)

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