Tuesday, August 20, 2013

"...For More!"

"Let Thy mercy, O LORD, be upon us, according as we hope in Thee." (Psalms 33:22) As I was typing this address just now, I realized as I was typing that it was 33:22; and I was instantly aware of something: God will always have more mercy than I need! He has abundant mercy! It is me that lacks the hope in Him! God forgets all my sins, I seem to always remember them; therefore, it's not an even scale by which we are measured; and according to this address, we are, at our best, only two thirds there! Incredible, don't you think? Either God has always a third more mercy than we actually will ever need, or we lack the third of the hope we need in Him to have perfect hope; maybe that's where grace comes in? I could just be reading way too much into something that does not even exist; but, on the other hand, don't you think that it is true? When it comes to anything, whether that be giving, or sacrifice, or love, we can never out-give God; He will always have more resources than we will ever need; He provided the greatest sacrifice of all; and His love, well we won't even go there, because His love is beyond measure! Hope, as many of you should have realized, is based upon our faith. Now then; as solid and as sure as trust might be, faith can go farther!!! Remember what I said, how trust is predicated upon that which we are sure of, therefore, we can be assured that it is so, and we trust it to be so; faith on the other hand goes further than that, because it hopes in what it cannot see. For example; had Peter depended upon his faith in Jesus instead of that which he saw happening, then maybe he could have been stronger; but chances are he wouldn't, because Jesus is never wrong. Truth be told, who is it that is among us, that has not at one time or another denied our Lord; whether that be from our actions or our words, depending upon our situation and the circumstances that surround us, do we ever not portray Jesus in all that we do and everywhere we go? I think we absolutely need more mercy! And yet, God has what we need and more, all we need to do is ask... "O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in Him." (Psalms 34:8)

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