Thursday, April 7, 2011

"Washed By The Blood"

There is one thing which I forgot to mention, and I think it is very important; because the blood of Jesus was very special. We have a tendency to forget something that separates His blood from that of those that are born under the old inheritance, which is the absence of the man required to continue the curse. This is the reason that His blood being shed was very special, since the curse is handed down through the blood of the man, His blood did not contain the ingredient to make Him born in sin. If we look at the description of Jesus in Romans 8:3, Paul writes, "God sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin", making sure to clarify that He was not born in sin. The concept of the virgin birth, is not just about God becoming flesh, but also about the flesh being born without sin. This is why the Bible says that He knew no sin, and why Jesus would make it perfectly clear that His Father was in Heaven, and was not of this world; which made His blood not tainted by the curse of sin, although He was in the form of sinful flesh. Do you see the implication here? Yes, or no, is the answer required; because the easy way to try and answer that question is to try and relate His likeness to ours, with like passions and like desires; and yet to also say that He was God in the flesh, not having any sin. I am not so sure that line of thought applies totally here, because the one thing we might have forgotten is where life comes from: it is the blood! His life was pure and free of sin, right out of the womb; making His death on the cross a symbol of the cursed, but without having the curse. "For He hath made Him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him." (2 Corinthians 5:21)

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