Friday, April 8, 2011

"Washed By The Blood" -2

When we are talking about the shedding of blood, we are talking about life being given; just as in the Old Testament sacrifices, that required blood to be shed for the remission of sins, that blood that was shed represented a life being taken away by force. I am not trying to say that the blood of Christ was divine, in the sense that God has blood; but the implication I was making is that His life was special, and not the same as yours and mine. Simply put, all life in the flesh gets it's life force from the blood; therefore, when you take a life by force, you are shedding the blood of a life. However, what I am saying, is that God gave His own blood for our sins in the manner that He came in the form of the flesh, which requires blood to have life. Now, regarding the curse, and whether or not Jesus was born into that curse: we need to understand why the virgin birth was important to the way God was going to provide the perfect sacrifice for the atonement of our sins. To put things in perspective, we must remember that Adam was the first man, and that the sin committed in the Garden of Eden was attributed to man, and not necessarily to the woman, although both suffered in the fall. The curse of sin, which was the factor that separated man from God, was handed down through the malefactor, because Adam was first created by God, and then Eve was taken from man. This is not a question of whether or not Eve sinned, because, clearly she did; but it is the fact that the curse of the sin was imputed upon the seed of man; yet the seed of the woman would provide the way of relief from the curse. This is a topic for some great discussion, but for now, I really want to focus on the blood of Jesus, and why His blood being shed for our sins was special blood. Because Jesus had no earthly father, He was born without the curse of sin which was imputed upon the man. All other lives require the seed of a man and a woman to be produced, yet His life was brought forth without the man's seed being used. The life that was manifested in the flesh of Jesus Christ, had to be sustained by blood, because all flesh has it's life in the blood. When we talk about His blood being shed for our sins, what we are talking about is His life being taken from Him by force, that His blood would be shed for us; because, without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness of sin. Which would mean that it was the cost of the life of the Second Person of the Godhead by which the elect people of God were redeemed. "Therefore, as by the offense of one judgement came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of One the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life." (Romans 5:18)

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