Saturday, April 23, 2011

"Preparation For Eternity" -3

"But he that heareth, and doeth not, is like a man that without a foundation built a house upon the earth; against which the stream did beat vehemently, and immediately it fell; and the ruin of that house was great." (Luke 6:49) I have to be totally honest and tell you that I thought this portion of Scripture dealt with trials, and how we are doomed to any trial if we are not anchored on the Rock Jesus Christ; but I am not so sure that is the case. If we look at the topic that Jesus was speaking about just prior to this house building analogy, we see Him talking about 'A Tree and It's Fruit'; which, if you can connect the dots, translates to something which is embedded into a man's heart. In the spiritual world, things which would otherwise seem solid, are not, unless they are secured in Jesus Christ. So, the question I must ask now is, What is the house that Jesus is referring to? And, why is there digging involved? I know what the foundation is to represent, that is easy; but the house; that my friends is a whole different story. Try to follow me on this, because I am not sure what I am saying? First off, this body which we are housed in is very temporary, and is not the house that I believe Jesus is referring to; nor is anything which has to do with this world. But the house that I believe Jesus is referring to is eternal, and in order to secure that home to the Rock foundation, one must dig deep, with the intention of being able to secure to the Rock and nothing else. This ability to secure directly to the Rock is made possible by doing those things which we hear the Lord telling us to do, because that ground in the way of fastening to the Rock is disobedience. Which means that the house Jesus is referring to is our eternal soul, not this temporary dwelling place called our body. So, the stream which is beating vehemently against the house, is not necessarily a trial that we face in our natural bodies, but is instead a trial that involves our soul in the spiritual world; which deals more with eternity than with this which shall pass away... Right or Left: Which side will you be on?

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