Thursday, April 14, 2011

"Keeping The Faith; Again"

Some days I just want to crawl under a rock and die, and today feels like one of those. The thing that keeps me going is the hope that Jesus is going to do something spectacular that I am not aware of; something totally off the radar screen. This much I know, God is not finished with me yet; nor has He finished doing a work in my marriage. This morning as I was getting up for prayer, I took some time to lay next to my wife and pray for her. It was relaxing just to hold her and just let the Spirit of God minister to the moment. After about twenty minutes my wife moved her head down onto my chest and let out a big sigh, and I felt compeled to just lay there still and quiet, as she rested in my arms. Not everyone gets to experience the pleasure that is brought upon a heart that yearns for companionship, by such a simple jesture or expression; but, then again, not everyone is in my situation. There is a reason that God allows us to go through certain trials and experiences, and sometimes we know that reason, and sometimes we don't; but God has His perfect plan, which is good enough for me! In the mean time, what we are called to do, and what we must do; is to crawl out from under that rock, stand upon Thee Rock, and give God glory for another day to live out His plan!!! And, if that dosn't work for you; then lay your head on His chest, and let out a big 'o sigh...

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