Saturday, April 2, 2011

"This or That?"

"For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God." (Romans 8:14) I have my niece coming to spend a few days with me this weekend, so we can get a couple of days in snowboarding. The last time I was with her we were in Ontario, CA and went to a Calvary Chapel there for church, and on that day she was singing, 'Will you get with this, or will you get with that', which is off a KJ52 cd. If I am not mistaken, I think that pretty much sums up what I have been saying, for as long as I can remember. Here is your life: set before you are two paths; one leads to Life Everlasting, and the other to eternal damnation; so which one do you pick? Okay; maybe you need some help deciding which path to choose? The word 'led' in the verse above from the Book of Romans Chapter 8, which happens to be one of my favorite chapters of that Book, is a word that is a little complex. The word is 'Ago' and can imply a variety of things, some of which are fixed, and some are not; which means, some things are in question, and some are unquestionable. For example, where you will end up for all eternity is a question of what you do about Jesus Christ: Do I follow Him or not? While, on the other hand, where you will be for all eternity will be unquestionable if you choose to follow Him. Now, where the 'led' comes into play when we are talking about being 'led by the Spirit of God', is the fact that we are more enticed or induced into making the proper choices. This is the part of the word that is not fixed: your choice in the matter of following. The part that is fixed, is that He will lead you, and even sometimes carry you; which is what a Good Shepherd will do for His sheep. Okay, now we have settled that; so let's look at the 'received' from yesterday's closing verses; because the next question you must ask yourself has to do with Him being Lord of your life. All the good sheep that want to be taken care of by their Good Shepherd, will obey His voice; that is of course, if they want to Live... "But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His Name." (John 1:12)

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