Friday, April 29, 2011

"Believeth Thou This?"

You know what? I know that I am not the sharpest tool in the shed, but it really does not take a whole lot of brains to know if you are right or left. As James would say, "But wilt thou know, O vain man?"; no really, wilt thou know, O empty one, that knows every thing but what really matters? The word 'vain' that James uses means empty; void of anything that brings life to the faith that one confesses; and, what is expressed, is expressed for selfishness, or for self preservation; which, if you remember what I shared on last year about this time, anything that is done for self preservation, is done in vain! However, I am thinking that there is another form of preservation that needs to be considered, and it has to do with our eternal soul; more importantly, it has to do with our eternal destination. But Rich...Is it possible that our direction can be redirected? (Third person questions are fun!) I am not so sure that is the case, because the fact is, there may be some truth to the thought, 'Once saved, always saved". However, the real question that I see surfacing, is, How deep is your direction? Maybe deep is not the right word, and then again, maybe it is; because on the surface there may be the evidence of belief, but deep down there is emptiness. The source of that which makes you believe is only skin deep; which is not very deep compared to what is required for eternity; which must go all the way to our very core! Which brings me back to our analogy of the 'man who builds a house upon a rock'; because the other thing that makes his foundation so important to the strength of his structure, is the depth of his foundation and the fact that he has fastened directly to the Rock. So then, what I think we need to think about when it comes to our direction, is the question about really believing to the point where there is no doubt; which is the point of no disobedience!!! How is the possible, since we are so fragile to obedience? I think the key to that question has to do with our desire to do what is right... "For that which I do, I allow not: for what I would, that do I not; but what I hate, that do I." (Romans 7:15)

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