Tuesday, April 5, 2011

"Joint-Heirs With Christ"

Did I mention that the young man asked Jesus about inheriting eternal life? There is of course no way for us to earn our way into Heaven; although, many will try. But, that is the benefit of being a son of God: that we inherit eternal life, based upon our adoption into the Kingdom of God. Not only do we inherit eternal life, but we are granted the right to be joint-heirs with Christ Jesus; which is not based upon what we have done, or what we shall do; but is only made possible by the blood of Jesus, that covers our sins. So then, why the need to suffer with Christ? Well; do we need to ask again? Possibly, we need to ask ourselves again and again; and remind ourselves that the servant is not greater than his Master. Just because we are given the right to be called a son of God, does not mean that we are to be compared to, nor equal with the Son of God: who, by His precious blood, has given us our inheritance with Him. And, even though we are joint-heirs, does not mean that we are equal with Him, in that which He has established. Neither will our suffering ever come close to the price which He paid to give us the right, power and authority, to be heirs of God. Having said all of that, I must restate the fact that there is nothing that we can do which can effect our standing with God, because Jesus paid the price in full. But, what stands in the way of our receiving our inheritance, is only those things which are placed between us and our ability to make Jesus the Lord of our life. Which might sound like our inheritance is based upon works, but the truth of the matter is, that it is based upon our willingness to be obedient to the Lord: Who, by being obedient to the cross, paid the price for our disobedience. (Just a little complex, I must admit!) "For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending His Own Son, in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh: that the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit." (Romans 8:3 & 4)

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