Wednesday, January 17, 2024

"Turn Around Thomas!"

 "And Thomas answered and said unto him, My Lord and my God." (John 20:28 KJV)

  "He broke my strength in midlife, cutting short my days. But I cried to him, "O my God, who lives forever, don't take my life while I am so young! Long ago you laid the foundations of the earth and made the heavens with your hands. They will perish, but you remain forever; they will wear out like old clothing. You will change them like a garment and discard them. But you are always the same; you will live forever. The children of your people will live in security. Their children's children will thrive in your presence."" (PSALM 102:23-28 NLT)

 As most of you should know, God's Word is the most important thing to Him, as it should also be for us! We should treat His written Word as if it is as important as life itself, as if our lives depend upon every single thing which He has to say, because He is Life! There is no life without God! 

 This is where we are at, right now, whether you believe it or not, the powers to be in this world are going to try to make the case that there is no God, because they want the world system to be god! Get ready and get right! That's what I have to say about that! 

 This portion of Scripture is where John takes a little break, as it where, to set some things in order. As to the verse we have before us today, some of those I have shared this with, from the J.W. bunch, try to say that Thomas was cursing, not exclaiming who Jesus was; as if Thomas was so shocked, he belched out by using the Lord's name in vain!  

 This is almost as untrue, as Jesus' sinning, by turning over the money tables and chasing people out of the Temple! Anything to take away the Glory and Majesty of the KING OF KINGS and LORD OF LORDS! The One who never changes: THE LIVING WORD OF GOD!

 As to the point I was trying so hard to make yesterday, we must take His written word seriously and treat it as if it is a roadmap for our lives! I know that some people will try to say that it is mostly allegory and of metaphors and representations to life; but it is more than anything else! It is God's love letter to us, His children; those that hear Him, know Him, and want to know Him more! 

 And, as to the other point, the one about asking God to prove Himself right: you seriously don't want to go there unless you are prepared to get turned inside-out. It is best to just accept Him at His Word, letting that be the answer to your questions and your doubts! It's all right there, everything you need to know, is all spelled out with four letters: LOVE...

 ""He has brought to his banqueting place, And his banner over me is love [waving overhead to protect and comfort me]."" (SONG OF SONGS 2:4 Amplified Bible) 

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