Saturday, February 13, 2021

"Coming Soon!"

"Make haste, my beloved, and be thou like a roe or to a young hart upon the mountains." (S.O.S. 8:14)

  "He who is the faithful witness to all these things says, "Yes, I am coming soon!" Amen! Come, Lord Jesus!" (Revelation 22:20 NLT)

  Besides all the craziness that is going on, the thing that matters the most, is all that is going on with the churches and Israel. If there is any type of indication to the time being soon at hand, then I believe what is going on in the lives of those that are His chosen people is that sign of indication. Regardless of what you might like or dislike about what is happening in your community, you must continue to be salt and light; it is more than just being a witness of your belief; it is your witness that must show forth the power of God! 

  At first I was going to title this last post, "ONE," as in to two became one, to be of one mind; most of which, is to be of One Love! It is this longing to be reunited that makes for the love to be realized as a living thing that must be satisfied and complete. We know that we truly believe, because we earnestly long to be with the One we Love! As Matthew Henry says, "Those only that can in sincerity call Christ their beloved, their best beloved, can, upon good grounds, desire him to hasten his second coming." 

  It is this, somewhat yearning for and expectation of being reunited, that convinces me that Solomon made this masterpiece towards the end, not the beginning of his ministry. And yes, I am certain that it was a ministry; a ministry that has been looked upon and talked about millions and millions of times over, throughout the world. Even Jesus referred to Solomon's glory, saying of the lilies of the field, "And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these." (Matthew 6:29)

  Personally, I believe it is more about what we long for to come, then it becomes more exciting as we see that day draw nearer. It happens to be, that which we observe the more dearer, is what we see clearer, the more we get nearer! At least I see myself more focused upon seeing Jesus, the closer I get to seeing myself depart from this world. We will soon be reunited, soon enough! Complete is more like it: to be looking forward to the day, as Matthew Henry says, "It is good to conclude our devotions with a joyful expectation of the glory to be revealed, and holy humble breathings towards it. We should not part but with the prospect of meeting again." 

  Anywho: This was more than just a slight adventure, it actually caused me to pay attention to those around me, those that I pray for daily, those that I believe to be lost, and what it is that Christ has told us to do: To be witnesses unto Him! The power of the salvation that is freely offered through Christ Jesus, is the most powerful and eternal gift that can be given; and we get to be part of that! There is really nothing else that comes closer to satisfying the longing, than the ministry of reconciliation of a soul to it's Maker! 

  An interesting end to a very spectacular Song: but is meant that way, because the Song has not ended...

"THE SONG OF SONGS, which is Solomon's." (THE SONG OF SOLOMON 1:1)

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