Friday, November 20, 2020

"Young Women of Jerusalem"

 "Where has your lover gone, O woman of rare beauty? Which way did he turn so we can help you find him?" (S.O.S. 6:1 NLT)

  Turning a page in His Story, we are entering into another chapter; unlike all natural turning points, there are certain things about God that never change, ever! We go to sleep, wake up, and then look forward to sleep again; but He never sleeps, never slumbers, and never stops working! You want proof? Did the sun go down last night? Will the sun come up this morning? NO!!! It never moved at all, it remains right there where it has always been, right there in the center of our Solar System; but this little blue dot keeps on moving and spinning, round and round it goes. With the exception of a few instances, it has never stopped rotating; but when it has, there were spectacular things that took place! 

  Here is something of a question; maybe even a statement, whether it is sarcastic or not, it is still being asked today: Where is this God that you serve? Point the way to him, so we might see him also? But in this regard, there is a pretty interesting twist, as the question is one of assistance and discovery: You must allow us to help you! Oh my goodness! How I need to get this right! If ever you need a guide, to find God outside of the Bible, is not where you will find Him! As a matter of fact, it has been said, "If you were stranded alone on an island, and all you had to read was the Bible, you would perfectly understand and know the doctrine of Christianity." 

  It is not a mystery that God speaks; it is not a secret that we can hear His voice: It is a fact, over and over He speaks and makes His voice known, throughout the entire Scriptures. Starting with Job, if it is true that the oldest writings are found in the Book of Job, then there is your proof: God speaks! He announces His plans, reviews History, declares His mysteries, and even demands respect! If it is proof you are looking for, then you need to go straight to the source! Because, quite frankly, you will not find His voice anywhere else! SEEK, ASK, KNOCK, and the door will be opened...

"This is all the more urgent, for you know how late it is; time is running out. Wake up, for our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed." (Romans 13:11) NLT

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