Tuesday, November 10, 2020

"The Head"

 "His head is as the most fine gold; his locks are bushy, and black as a raven." (S.O.S. 5:11)

  If there was a way to describe your King, a head of gold should remind you of someone other than the King of Kings; but this is a few years prior to his arrival. I am pretty amazed by the fact that many of those that are in leadership don't see the role of the church, and how God works in and through the lives of His people. Instead, we are being told to just wait and see, as if the power of prayer no longer counts. Well, it just might not matter, if you know longer know what you are praying for and where God stands on the way the church should stand! Did we somehow become neutral on what is right and what is wrong? 

  This is pretty much a picture of perfection, as in, "I do not change," says the LORD! The Ancient of Days, does not age! If Christ is the Head, does His body not conform to His headship? It should! It must! Otherwise the salt of the earth has lost that which it created to do; which means that it has become worthless, except for being sprinkled upon the road, for those who are in control to walk over and have a better footing to march forward. 

  I am sorry, but this is something that has puzzled me for way too long. The church is meant to be the one that forces change upon the world, in pretty much every arena, but the world has forced a change upon the church; and now the church has taken a neutral stand, pretending it is not any of their business what the world does. We are not all that surprised anymore by anything, so why not just sit back and pretend it does not matter. It matters to those who want to see who will take a stand; because, so far, the church is taking a seat and letting the world do whatever it wants.

  Maybe I am being to concerned over what is happening, because after all, this is not our home; our home is up in heaven, so why should anything here matter! Because it matters to anyone that is looking for hope! Hope is not found in this world, but is only found in Christ; yet, the current culture is tearing apart the church, which is the body of Christ. Or, does that only count for what happens later on in heaven? 

  Okay, I'm not sorry; it just hurts to see our children be delivered over to the devil! because that is where this current craziness is pulling them towards, little by little, has become, one big massive tug...

"For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God has shown it unto them." (Romans 1:18-19) 

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