Saturday, November 21, 2020


 "Whither is thy beloved gone, O thou fairest among women? whither is thy beloved turned aside? that we may seek him with thee." (S.O.S. 6:1) 

  If there is any part of this that might prove the spirituality of this Book, this should be one of those proofs that make the point to what is being put out, that we might take it in! If this were otherwise, this might be a rather odd request given by other women; but if it be spiritual, the Young Woman would and should be so inclined to share, and even encourage others to fall in love with her Beloved! Taken back to my earlier days, when I first accepted Jesus into my heart, that was my motivation and my passion; anyone and everyone around me needed to know this Jesus that saved my soul, whether they asked for Him or not, they were going to be introduced to Him, in one way or another! 

  There is a very good reason that we must love, not hate, trials and tribulations. James says, "Count it all joy," (James 1:2); Peter says, "Wherein ye greatly rejoice," (1 Peter 1:6). The basic instinct of our flesh is to complain and cry out; but that which is of the Spirit, is to count it joy and greatly rejoice! Where is the fun it that? Well, if you must know, it is in the testimony of what matters most in your life; this world or loving Jesus Christ. Don't forget, people around you that are lost, need to see the evidence that they don't need to be lost, that there is something real in you, that there is a hope you know about, that they need to know about also. If you doubt me, then test it out for yourself: the next time you are in any sort of trial or circumstance, simply thank God for the chance to let His Light shine in you, and pray that He will use you to His glory. You never know, it might actually cause you to turn what could be something the average person would feel bad about, to actually have actual overwhelming joy!

  Anywho, this is a little more complicated and enticing; as it involves many other aspects of reasons, motivations, and pre-conceived notions. If you are familiar with the Gospels, the one thing that those who were members of the, so called, Jews, were most frequently known for, was to inquire Jesus to say something or show something that would show proof of who He was or what He was about. In other words, they tested Him to show them proof! Now, I know that I am not the sharpest tool in the shed, but I really don't want to be; I prefer to be more like a butter-knife, where it takes me some time and a little effort to cut through something, especially something that is extremely important for me to understand. 

  There is a very familiar saying, "If I can talk you into something, then someone else will be able to talk you out of it." The point is pretty obvious in the word, "seek," as in the point made in the request, not the question: "That we may seek him also." Because: It is really not a question of seeking Him, but the real matter at hand, is, What will you do when you find Him? Seriously, what is the motivation seeing for yourself, if it is only about satisfying your curiosity or putting your mind at rest? It would be more like the Rich Young Ruler, coming to ask the Master, "What must I do to inherit eternal life?" and then, once hear your answer, saying, 'Never mind, I guess I really didn't want it that much!'

  It has got to be about something else, other than this world! If it is not, then this world is always going to be in the way of what you actually need...

"Abraham was, humanly speaking, the founder of our Jewish nation. What did he discover about being made right with God? If his good deeds had made made him acceptable to God, he would have had something to boast about. But that was not God's way. For the Scriptures tell us, "Abraham believed God, and God counted him as righteous because of his faith."" (Romans 4:1-3) NLT

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