Tuesday, September 17, 2019

"The True God!"

"Blessed be the LORD out of Zion, which dwelleth at Jerusalem. Praise ye the LORD." (Psalms 135:21)

  To get right to the point: If you know the life changing power of Jesus' blood, that cleansing power, that washes away every sin, then you absolutely know the True God! There is no denying what He has done for you, and there is no going back to what you were before; at least not without remorse! Every single day is a new day in the life of a believer; no matter what condition your life is currently living in; if you belong to Christ, you are one second away from restoration and total cleansing. I would like you to show me any idol that can accomplish that! This is the God we serve, who knows full well every single thing we have ever done, that we are currently doing, and what we will be doing tomorrow. There is just absolutely nothing we can do that can outside the knowledge of what He already knows; and yet, He still loves you and wants you to be made free from everything that takes you from fellowship with Him. You do know that Zion and Jerusalem are the same place, right? Just as you and I are the same person, no matter the trial, the fall, or even by death; we are only changed by the power of God, who lives in us and through us! This new creature that has been created, is made new by God; and this new creature is kept new, by that same True God! Why is it that we can even think about putting an idol between us and the True God? Our idols are the link between us and the flesh; that same flesh that was crucified with Christ and that has been reckoned as dead, it is given life by those things that are placed between us and God. These don't even need to be something that looks like the sin we hold onto; it might even be an empty space, something that takes away from the thing that we know God wants from us or wants us to do. Call it a distraction, if that better suits you; but in reality, it is that which we must do that matters the most: Trust God to have every last part of you...

"In that day you will sing: "I will praise you, O LORD! You were angry with me, but not any more. Now you comfort me. See, God has come to save me. I will trust in him and not be afraid. The LORD GOD is my strength and my song; he has given me victory." With joy you will drink deeply from the fountain of salvation! In that wonderful day you will sing: "Thank you LORD! Praise his name! Tell the nations what he has done. Let then know how mighty he is! Sing to the LORD, for he has done wonderful things. Make known his praise around the world. Let all the people of Jerusalem shout his praise with joy! For great is the Holy One of Israel who lives among you."" (Isaiah 12) NLT

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