Tuesday, September 3, 2019

"His Discretion"

"Whatsoever the LORD pleased, that did he in heaven, and in earth, in the seas, and all the deep places." (Psalms 135:6)

  When it comes to serving God, there are certain things that we must realize when it comes to asking for Him to do something, whatever it is, whether spiritual, physical, or financial; sometimes not being answered means, 'No!' We just moved into the burned up section of town, just before Easter. I had had enough of living on the mountain and being worried about fires; so I asked the people that are in control of the Trust to allow us to move to a place that is safer and easier to get out of, in case there was a fire. This last year's fires really opened my eyes up to the power of wildfires; let alone to the craziness of the panic in people trying to escape them. Not only did I ask for the chance to move, but I requested that we purchase a new home, move out of that home, prepare it for market, and list it when it was ready. The Bank that ran the financial side of the Trust said nothing! The people that ran the expense side, those that approved what the Bank will spend money on, were more than agreeable to the move; in fact, my main contact there had left several messages with the Trustee at the Bank, and had not heard anything. I was beginning to feel as though I was asking for too much and they were just ignoring me. It turned out, the Bank was turning hard assets into liquid assets, and just need a little time to get things done. Sometimes, no answer just means wait! Be patient and wait upon the LORD, because He knows best what is best for everyone, not just you and me. Just the right moment, in the right place, and with the right people; it is all at His discretion; as it should be, because He knows how everything is going to turn out. Don't think I didn't pray first, because I most surely did! I actually prayed over a particular house that I inspected, just before it was going to be listed. It was going on the market for $600K, but I figured we could get it for $575K, so that is the figure I gave the Trust. Long story short, it sold before we heard anything from the Trust, and the Agent I was working with was very discouraged, because both her and her client wanted to see us get the house. I told her not to worry, because if God wants us to move, He has something better waiting for us. Sure enough! The Bank Officer called my Agent and said, "We have $575K for the Norrup's to buy that house," my Agent replied, "That house is gone!" The Bank Officer said, "Okay, We have $575K for a house." That was a Monday, and on Tuesday this new house was revealed to us. Absolutely perfect; the only thing we needed to do was a few minor alterations and it was ready to move into. This is how God works! He opens doors and He shuts them; but whenever it is His doing, the real doing part will get done...

"And he saith unto them, Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith? Then he arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm. But the men marvelled, saying, What manner of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey him!"" (Matthew 8:26-27)

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