Thursday, December 22, 2016

"Been Chosen"

"And of Zion it shall be said, This and that man was born in her: and the Highest himself shall establish her." (Psalms 87:5)
You see, it's really not about what you can or cannot do, it's about what the Lord has done for you! He has chosen each and every one of us before the foundations of the world. Don't ask me how that works, because it's beyond my pay-grade. But if you ask me how I know it to be true, for that I have an answer: Because the Bible tells me so! So what does that say for the 'whosoevers' that have not yet made a choice? It's mind-boggling, that's for sure; and many have tried to make sense of it, only to make a mess of it within their own doctrines. But there are just some things that God does not need to explain, He just does them. Our duty is not to find the reason or the answer, but to just accept what we are told and be thankful for what we know. Notice that this verse does not say, This and that man will be born in her; because it doesn't count until it happens. You can't go through life expecting to be chosen, putting off what you think is inevitable, until it suits your way of life. The Bible makes it very clear, "Today is the day of salvation." God knocks on our heart; we don't get to choose when we will knock on His. That said, if you feel it's time to answer the door, then this is the time, He is knocking! It's amazing how that works: "I was lost, but now I am found" has just become a reality for someone else! Someone who didn't even know that they were lost, has just discovered that they were found and pulled from the fires of hell! One thing is for sure, it is God that loved us first! It's not like we were lost from Him, because I don't believe that He can ever loose us; but we were the ones that were lost, not knowing from what we came or where we were headed. We had no clue who He was or how much that He loved us, until He softened our heart to see Him. When that happens, my friend, you had better open the door of your heart; because it will take you making your heart hard to Him to refuse His offer; not after you see how much He loves you! This is not a game! We don't set the rules, He does. And what He says goes! He makes the rules, He judges the rules, and He forgives those who break the rules; those are His rules...
"With Christ as my witness, I speak with utter truthfulness. My conscience and the Holy Spirit confirm it. My heart is filled with bitter sorrow and unending grief for my people, my Jewish brothers and sisters. I would be willing to be forever cursed -cut off from Christ! -if that would save them. They are the people of Israel, chosen to be God's adopted children. God revealed his glory to them. He made covenants with them and gave them his law. He gave them the privilege of worshipping him and receiving his wonderful promises. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are their ancestors, and Christ himself was an Israelite as far as his human nature is concerned. And he is God, the one who rules over everything and is worthy of eternal praise! Amen." (Romans 9:1-5) NLT

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