Wednesday, October 12, 2016

"Defeat Them, O God!"

PSALMS 83 [A Song or Psalm of Asaph.]
This is the last of a series of eleven Psalms ascribed to Asaph, which one he was, we really don't quite know. If he was the Asaph whom David placed in charge of the Temple worship, the he surely had some prophetic abilities, to say the least; however, we know that the real Author of these Holy Scriptures is God, who just used men as His vessels to speak and write those things He wanted to say to a fallen world. As you might have guessed again, the title above matches the Title shown above this Psalm in my Bible; a Zodhiates' Bible no less, one that I have used to study from since January 1st, 1989. Before that, my first Study Bible was a Jimmy Swaggart Study Bible; which sadly feel apart at the seams, not too long after his ministry did in 1988. My intent for getting this particular Bible, was because it has the Hebrew and Greek Lexical aids in the back; aids that I used for sharing the true meaning of certain words with my J.W. visitors, if they dared to show up at my house. It was a good idea, but one that hardly ever saw the light of day; mostly because, when it came to presenting real evidence, they seemed to have somewhere else they needed to be. Isn't that the truth! You can call it spiritual blindness if you want to, I will call it spiritual deception; as a matter of fact, there is actually a spirit at work in them, and it's grip is hard to cut loose. But, it's like that for everyone who is walking in spiritual darkness; only the Holy Spirit can cause them to open their hearts to the truth. That's how it was for me, because before I was saved, I wanted nothing to do with church; and I surely did not know who Jesus truly was, nor did I care to find out. I remember even reading tracts that shared things about Him, but they really did not matter, because my heart could not receive it anyway; it was like it was written in another language or something, and only the parts I could receive where the parts that I understood. I find it rather interesting how this Psalm follows the one which speaks about God being in control. If we are going to reach anyone with the Gospel message, then it's going to require God's help; it's going to require the Holy Spirit to open the eyes of their heart. That is pretty much what "Defeat" represents, to overcome by force, to subdue or reduce, to cause them to surrender their way of thinking and comply...
"So God's rest is there for people to enter, but those who first heard the good news failed to enter because they disobeyed God. So God set another time for entering his rest, and that time is today. God announced this through David much later in the word's already quoted: "Today when you hear his voice, don't harden your hearts."" (Hebrews 4:6-7) NLT 

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