Friday, July 22, 2016

"Slow the Growth"

"The fire consumed their young men; and their maidens were not given to marriage." (Psalms 78:63) I know it's a stretch, but do you think there really is any hope for this world? I watched the Convention last night, and I was very impressed on how much people that know the Donald, really believe that he is the right man for the right time. Ultimately, God is still in control; but can you get excited about the thought of some common sense leadership? I don't mean to get political, but there really needs to be something done to stop the bleeding away of values, justice, and common courtesy for one another. How about a little respect for law and order? I'm sorry, but I really have no respect for people that have no respect for defenseless lives; never mind having a heart, because that went out the door long ago; but a little respect sure would help to give our youth a different perspective. We know that things will most likely get worse the closer we get to Jesus coming back for His church; but couldn't we pray for some sort last minute fight to be people that actually care to make a difference? After all, if we don't do our part, then we are just part of the problem! You need to understand something about being motivated by passion, it only works when you grab hold of the passion. In other words, you cannot truly be motivated by someone else's passion to do something, it must be your own passion that motivates to make a difference. But you can truly be led by passionate people who know how to make more passionate people. Benjamin Franklin said, "Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn." Moving on to what God is showing me through this verse. God is ultimately in control, and when He wants to put the brakes to something, He knows how to do what ever needs to be done to make it happen. This is something God does in large portions and in small, on whole nations and on individuals, He controls the outcome of events...
""But the time is coming," says the LORD, "when people who are taking an oath will no longer say, 'As surely as the LORD lives, who rescued the people of Israel from the land of Egypt.' Instead they will say, 'As surely as the LORD lives, who brought the people of Israel back to their own land from all the countries to which he had exiled them.' For I will bring them back to this land that I gave their ancestors."" (Jeremiah 16:14-15) NLT

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