Sunday, January 18, 2015

"Something To Relate"

"We took sweet counsel together, and walked unto the house of God in company." (Psalms 55:14) Under a spell is probably not the correct term to use, but it sure matches the description of their motives; because in all reality, they had no reason to come against Jesus as they did, He never did anything but help people. Then again, I have seen some really weird things happen in our church; people that you would never expect of being hateful towards another brother or sister, can become so uncontrollable in their rage to be right; even though their actions to prove themselves right are obviously wrong, they cannot see how wrong they are in the darkness of their heart. Darkness might seem like a strong word to describe what is happening within their heart, but pride loves to conceal itself in darkness, deep in the darkest places where the Light can never reach it; and when it comes out, it brings the darkness with it. James had something to say about this, and he related it to loving this world (James 4:1-10); making the motivation behind our fighting one another that of pride and envy, as if we are pulled into an attitude of the devil if we do not submit to God. That might sound a little hard to believe, if you are the one that is offended by another brother or sister; but it only takes a little pride to pull us over to the other side, and on that side there is only darkness... "And one shall say unto him, What are these wounds in thine hands? Then he will answer, Those with which I was wounded in the house of my friends." (Zechariah 13:6)  

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