Friday, June 15, 2012


"The LORD looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, and seek God." (Psalms 14:2) If you had to think of something that would explain why we are so easily taken off the path of following God, this would most likely be at the top of the list. It is closely related to 'counting the cost', and has to do with making the right choices that matter towards eternity. If I look back over the last thirty years, I can see some real blunders in the choices that I made; taking the way of success in business over the way of full time ministry, or doing what I had believed God was calling me into. Don't get me wrong, because God has been able to use me anyways over the years; but how different would my life had been if I would have followed His complete direction, is something I ponder quite often. What God is looking down from heaven to see, is for those that are prudent in their lives for Him; which means, those that act wisely by taking careful steps to seek out God's demands and guidance. We all know that Abraham was a man that was known for having been obedient in this area; at least most of the time, that is; because there were some times when he had messed up, heeding the counsel of others, or even his own personal advantages. This word "understand" is an interesting word, because it does not just mean to have understanding, as someone might understand how that there is a God; but rather, this is a word that speaks of acting in a prosperous manner, and paying attention to detail; much like any skilled doctor would take the time to know how the body works, before performing an operation, or exploring into some one's body. Let me put this another way; and let's say that your life depended upon finding the way through a maze of events and choices; would that be enough to make you move forward with caution? This is the kind of meaning that this word, within the context of seeking God, is meant to say. Yes, it's true that God has given us free will, and that part of this condition of a will to choose, is that we are given choices; what I am talking about is a heart that seeks to make all the right choices; taking the time to consider which choice that we make will draw us closer to God, or will prosper us in the way of eternity. Instead; many choices that we make, are the ones which will prosper us in the life here; such as employment, relationships, and having a secure financial future. All of these things are good, and they should be planned for; however, when we consider these areas of our life as things to bring God into, instead of seeking God first, and then believing that He will bless you in these areas, you have put the cart before the house. In other words; God's desire for us is that we be prudent towards Him in all the areas of our life; not just the areas that we think pertain to Him... "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." (Matthew 6:33)

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