Saturday, June 9, 2012

"No Land in Sight"

"Consider and hear me, O LORD my God: lighten mine eyes, lest I sleep the sleep of death;" (Psalms 13:3) There is something here which is a topic of debate for many, and is something by which the question is asked, Who draws to whom? In other words; Does God first draw to us, or do we first draw to Him? I have heard it spoken of in several different ways, and so it should be, because God does not reveal Himself to everyone in the same manner, or under the same circumstances; but I believe that it is God who makes first contact with us! One example used to debate this topic, is that of Nicodemus, and how he came unto Jesus at night; making the case that we are the ones that must seek to find God, by the fact that he came unto Jesus seeking answers. I'm sorry, but I don't buy that, I spent many years seeking God; however the god that I sought was the one which I created, not the one who created me! In the case of Nicodemus, what was it that made him come to Jesus, if not the fact that Jesus presented Himself to him as someone who had come from God? "The same came to Jesus by night, and said unto Him, Rabbi, we know that Thou art a teacher come from God: for no man can do these miracles that Thou doest, except God be with him." (John 3:2) It is my belief, that Nicodemus came to Jesus because he had seen something about Jesus that made him believe and that changed his heart; therefore, he had to know more about who He was. So, yes, you could make a case that we must draw unto God; but it is only by His revelation to us of who He is, that we can even begin to draw close to Him! What David is asking for, is that God would enlighten his eyes; his eyes being the windows of his soul, the center of his eternal existence; the heart of all that he is! This is what must be enlightened before we can draw unto God! Think about this for a moment, and ask yourself, Was it my desire to come to Him that led me to Christ? or, Was it His initial call upon my life, and the revelation of who He was, that caused me to surrender unto Him? Okay, maybe you think that I have gotten off track a little; and then again, maybe with no land in sight, we have nothing to swim towards! I can still remember the day that I accepted Jesus Christ into my heart, and how it was not my desire to seek Him that brought me to that church service; but it was more of a prodding upon my heart to go and check it out; something that I would like to refer to as the call forth; much like Jesus called forth Lazarus out of the tomb. Once there, I was introduced to the Creator of my soul, and from there, my heart was broken by learning, that Creator was also the one who took my place upon the cross! Once that I had learned this, I had no other choice but to give my life to Him. So; if you were to ask me, Who came to who? Then I could confidently say, that Jesus revealed Himself to me, that I might come unto Him!!! It is really not that complicated to understand that we cannot just come to God; for there are many gods, but only One that really matters. How many people do you know who have set out to find God, and have come back with something false or that is based upon another Jesus? That other Jesus being the one who promises everything will be good, and that your life will be filled with peace and happiness; and when you have tribulation, you are disheartened and don't follow any longer. However, the Jesus that I know, said that things would be hard, and that many shall persecute me for His name sake; but that I should not fear, and to be of good heart, for my name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life! Therefore; it is not about the burden that we have before us, but it is the prize that waits ahead...Enlighten my eyes O LORD, that I might see... 

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