Sunday, June 10, 2012

"The Big Gulp"

"Lest mine enemy say, I have prevailed against him; and those that trouble me rejoice when I am moved." (Psalms 13:4) I was going to show verse three along with this one, because actually, this verse is a continuation of what David was saying in the previous verse; specifically the part about, "lest I sleep the sleep of death". I think that we all can have moments, if not days or months, and hopefully not years, where we sleep the sleep of death; this is no doubt the reason for this Psalm in the first place; because, "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness". (2 Timothy 3:16) What I believe that this is saying has a twofold meaning; whereas one is speaking about being dead inside, while the other is speaking about the desire for death. In other words; when we feel as though the joy of the Lord has left our lives, we are essentially dead inside; which does not necessarily have to be the cause of sin, although it usually is; it may just be that we have forgotten that from which we were delivered from. We can see this played out in the lives of the children of Israel in the wilderness. Over and over; forgetting the bondage that they were delivered from, they constantly were remorseful for the pleasures that they had while they were in Egypt. No doubt they kept thinking back to the house they had to turn into each night, or the food that they were accustom to eating while serving in a fruitful land; yet all the while serving under the strong hand of bondage. This is the kind of death that makes every Christian want to give up; having forgotten why they gave there heart to the Lord to begin with, they begin to feel remorse for not having what the world has. Just another reason for our eyes to be enlightened, so that we can see afresh the glory of the Lord, and the great gift that we have been given! And then the other, that of wanting to be dead; nothing is more death to our soul, than feeling removed from God's presence, for once we have experienced the joy of His salvation, there is absolutely nothing that can replace that joy. Our soul groans inside, desiring to be filled afresh; longing for that which brought hope beyond all imagination. What this verse represents, is the big gulp that is taken just before the plunge. It's that final breath that is taken before giving up; because the land is there on the horizon, but it seems to be getting further away, and you know that the enemy is laughing as he senses your defeat. It is in this time that you remember what it was that saved you in the first place: Sweet Surrender! Therefore, there is nothing left to do but surrender everything to God...

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