Thursday, June 28, 2012

"To Be Certain"

It is said by many that nothing is certain except death and taxes; howbeit, we can be certain that God will uphold His word and establish us into His kingdom; in fact, I will go further and say, this is more certain than even death! The reason that I can say this, and I can even begin to stipulate that death is uncertain, is because we really don't know what happens after this tent is dissolved. For all we know, death is really only the beginning of something that can only be tasted once this mortal shell has expired; and in that case, death is really uncertain; taxes on the otherhand, that is a different matter! Above Psalms Sixteen in my Bible, there is the title "A Prayer of Confidence"; this title alone, gives us a little taste of what this Psalm is meant to represent: confidence in the promises of God!!! Along with this title, we have in short introduction to this Psalm; and another introduction with one of those unknown words for which the meaning is uncertain; however, in this case, I have written in blue ink next to the introduction two words, along with a note that says, Psalms 56-60. Again, I am not ceratin when I wrote this note, or the two words, but I would guess it was close to the early 90's. The two words that I have written are "Golden Psalm", which are meant to explain the meaning to the introduction, "Michtam of David". Looking up this word "Michtam", you will find two meanings explained: a) a technical term found in psalm titles, and b) meaning uncertain. However, upon looking deeper into the Lexicon, we can find something interesting that can shine a little light on what this word might mean; if nothing else, it might explain where I got "Golden Psalm". The Lexicon says, "Something written, specially a poem. It only occurs in the heading of Psalms 16, 56-60. Others very unsuitably render (as from gold) a golden or most precious poem." And, after looking in the Strong's, I found a very brief discription which is taken from what is believed to be the root word, which means to carve or engrave. After having dwelt on these pieces of a puzzle, and having tried to figure out what David was thinking, I have come to the conclussion that it is one of two things; maybe even both. One is a special engraving upon golden jewelery, much like that which we might give to someone we dearly love; or two, something that is written upon our hearts, and is worth more than gold, because it has been carved into our hearts by God...

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