Sunday, June 17, 2012

"Tainted By Sin" -2

"They are all gone aside, they are all together filthy: there is none that doeth good, no, not one." (Psalms 14:3) So here is the evidence that we are guilty of sin; after having given what we can become, I thought it appropriate to look at what we have come from; seeing that today is after all Father's Day! As you should know, sin is passed down through the father's seed; so there might be some truth to notion that you are what you are because you have inherited something from your father; it's just that the specific trait is irrelevant, because sin is sin, period! The general meaning of "they are all gone aside", is that of departing from the presence of God; however, in this manner of departing, it is more of a forced departure than that of willingness. Okay; let me explain what I am talking about. God is Light, which is the brilliance His holiness and power, and in the presence of His light, all darkness is forced to flee and hide; in other words, there is no place for darkness before Him, so it is cast aside, just as the light expels the darkness from brightly lightened room. Now then; in the case of our inheritance, we have been born into this world with a condition that automatically retracts us away from God; being that we were born into sin, and with a sin nature, we are born with this forced departure from the presence of God; it's just the nature of sin, and how that sin is not allowed in the presence of a Holy God; so don't take it person, you can thank your father, who's seed that you are. Now as far as "they are all together filthy", and how that relates to this condition that we have been born into, we could think of this as being corrupted; whereas, we are the product of a bad seed, and from which there is no possibility for anything good to be produced from the fruit of that seed. It is like sour milk, and how once it has been soured, there is no turning it back to fresh again. And then we have those who say, But I do good things, therefore I am not a bad person! Yes, I think God considers the goodness that we do; however, His judgement is against sin; and sin will not go unpunished! What this means is, God will not be judging you for the good that you have done, but for the sinner that you are; His judgement is on the sin that is within the sinner, not the righteousness that is produced by sinful man; for our righteousness is as filthy rags to Him; rags to be heaped upon the burn pile, along with everything else that is contrary to His goodness. But, the way that God considers our goodness, is by the blessing received in this life; not that which will be received in heaven, for our good works will not be enough to erase the sin that we are tainted by. This is what had been demonstrated when Jesus performed His first public miracle, where He changed the water into wine; not just any water, but dirty water that was used for the purpose of washing hands in; and not just any wine, but good wine that was better than that which had previously been served. There has to be a total change that takes place in us, where we are changed from that which is tainted water, into that which is good wine; and only Jesus Christ can make this change happen...

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