Sunday, June 24, 2012

"Established In Actions"

"He that walketh uprightly, and worketh righteousness, and speaketh the truth in his heart." (Psalms 15:2) Having learned what God requires is both a curse and a blessing; for it is better to not know and to do wrong, than it is to know what to do and not do it. A true citizen of heaven is one that walks in accordance with the law of the land to which they belong; in other words, our actions portray that place in which our heart does dwell. In the case of the 'Rich Young Ruler', his question asked, "Good Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?" (Mark 10:17), was a question pertaining to possession; something which he would be a partaker of, as to obtain it rightfully; for the word inherit was a word that denoted the tranquil and stable possession, which brings with it the blessing and security of ownership. If we look at the situation that has taken place with the land of Israel, from the time that they inherited 'The Promised Land' they have been at odds with their neighbors almost continually, and have even been driven out of that land for considerable amounts of time. What should have been a land to which they could have taken ownership of, was never a land that they were considered to be rightful of, and even to this day, there are many who proclaim them as strangers to the land that they possess. It is in this regard that this question has significant meaning; for it addresses that of rightful ownership to eternal life, as one who is the son of a king would be the rightful heir to the throne. If we look at the answer given to this 'Rich Young Ruler', the one in Matthew 19:17, we can begin to understand what is meant by being established into the kingdom, and that it is something that comes with being a citizen of that kingdom: "And He said unto him, Why callest thou Me good? There is none good but one, that is God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments". Now then; if we were to study the children of Israel, and how they dwelt in the land that they were given, we will see that they changed from those that followed God's commands, into a people that became accustom to serving other gods and living their lives as if they were those people in who's land that they possessed. This was not the actions of those that were God's children; neither are the actions of those who have inherited eternal life contrary to the commands of God. On the contrary; those that have inherited eternal life should exemplify the commands of God, and their lives should show forth the example of that which they are established in. Again; it is not a question of who shall abide, or who shall dwell, as in the persons that shall inherit the right; but rather, what kind of a person is it that shall abide and dwell in the presence of God? Are they those that are worthy? or are they those that have been changed into His image? As Jesus said, "There are none good but God", so that rules out worthiness as the reason for inheritance; but then again, once we are granted that which we have not deserved, we are to become a people worthy of dwelling there, for it has now become who we are, and where we belong. "He that walketh uprightly" means to walk in integrity; which really means that we are to walk as someone who has a complete regard for the commandments of God and that which is good; being given towards those things that are of God. It's not a question of being perfect, for we know that God alone is perfect; but it is a matter of striving towards perfection, and receiving correction with gladness, because it brings us closer to that goal. For that of "worketh righteousness"; it is very similar to what was just put forth, with the added benefit of enjoyment; which is to say that there is joy in what is done to show forth godliness and goodness; because we are a people enjoying our salvation. And finally, as to "speaketh the truth in his heart"; this is a factor that cannot be left out, for it speaks about leading forth, as in the truth leading our hearts. This goes back to my opening statement which was about not knowing and knowing; because when you know the truth, it must be followed...

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