Tuesday, June 12, 2012

"The Rescue"

"I will sing unto the LORD, because He hath dealt bountifully with me." (Psalms 13:6) Again, we have this last verse to be the expression of a climax to what the Psalm is putting forth. Although it might not appear to be much, it is the reason for us to have no fear when it comes to putting our trust in God; because, His mercy is always available for us, and all that is required to receive that mercy, is to surrender to Him. It is us that always make it such a struggle to be rescued from whatever it is that makes us feel so distant from God; not God who makes us struggle to be close to Him; we really need to understand this! This word "sing" that David uses here, is a word which speaks of a celebration, and is something that is brought on by beholding God's great mercy. In other words, it is a realized reason to rejoice over something which we behold; and in this case, David is rejoicing because God hath dealt bountifully with him in his trouble; his trouble being his lack of trust. Though we may doubt Him at times, and even sometimes feel as though He is not listening to our cries, or even our prayers, He is merciful towards us because He knows our frame, and that we are weak at times; even in those times when we should be strong, we can loose heart for the strangest reasons; mostly because we focus to much on who we are, instead of keeping our focus on Him. After all; He is God, and we are not! He knows what He is doing; we can only try and guess what is coming next, or where He is leading us; yet He is far removed from having to guess at anything! This is why it is so important that we just trust in Him and know that He is God!!! In other words; God is not standing over us with a heavy hand, and saying, Why aren't you trusting Me? But rather, He is patient towards us, asking, Do you trust Me yet? We can see this in the meaning of "dealt bountifully", for it expresses that which is 'to be weaned as a child'; which speaks of warmth and cherishing; as if God expects us to need His help in the area of trust; for the simple fact, that we are what we are, and He is who He is..."Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is cast in the oven, shall He not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?" (Matthew 6:30)  

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